Rabindra Sarobar

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Rabindra Sarobar,

Rabindra Sarobar is an artificial lake in South Kolkatta. It was also known as  Dhakuria lake.  In 1920s it was developed under improvement trust and was named as Dhakuria lake. In 1958 the lake is renamed as Rabindra Sarobar to tribute the Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore. This lake also has space for children's playing,  gardens and  shopping area. 

Ragini and Laksh reached the lake within an hour by Laksh's car.  Ragini took permission for her cameras. Ragini started her work just like that, where as Laksh was observing, admiring the beauty of nature in his eyes.  Ragini was saving all the beauty in cameras memory but Laksh with in his brain.

It is not like that both are visiting this place for the first time.  N number of times they have visited this place. One day tour in school,  with parents,  with friends and even in college tour also sometimes they would select this place.  This place will never a bore anyone.  Every visit they will admire it's beauty with same concentration and excitement as the first visit.

Ragini was clicking photos after shooting and explaining about this place in front of camera like a chirpy bird.  She was even sharing her personal experience of her previous visits.  Laksh would have been shocked with her this new found attitude if he wasn't that much involved in this beautiful lake and in Memory Lane.

He was remembering his first visit here how they were instructed to stand in a line and follow them quietly.  When he came with his parents how Ap held his hand through out the visit.  How he came with his friends and enjoyed.  A quite satisfied smile was playing on his lips and Ragini captured his pic too without his knowledge so she can portrait it and gift him as a gratitude for the lift. 

Laksh was still in his world and Ragini moved towards other areas near by lake like garden and shopping area.  She captured all of them and started explaining more about the place.  She even did some shopping and asked heavy discounts as in front of camera almost all the shopkeepers play generous.  Ragini was happy with that little success of bargaining.  She did went to some food stalls too and tried so many items and gave review too and Lets say for the good review stall owners corrupted with free food.

Ragini was enjoying in her style and Laksh was admiring the world in his own style which was completely different from his previous visit.  When he came out of his world he turned to find Ragini but Ragini wasn't there.  He soon started his search in different parts of the area and finally found her eating Mishtidoi, her eyes were closed and it looks like she was relishing each bite of it. He soon went near her but she was in front of a different food stall and was relishing panipuri.  Again she moved to different stall and yeah Laksh too noticed that she wasn't paying for any of it.  He was shocked from when did the shopkeepers became too generous.  Soon he moved to her and held her by shoulders to stop her from moving to different stall.

" How much will you eat Ragini?  And why aren't you paying? " Laksh asked her still holding her shoulders. 

" They are not asking and I'm not paying.  However I'm just taking little bit of them,  if I like them I will give a good review about them and their bussiness will be improved. "  Ragini explained him as if he was kid and asking her why birds fly and we can't. Laksh sighed and dragged her from there as she was tasting every dishes from each stall and it will affect her health.  It is not like Ragini is foodie or greedy to eat free food  but happy.  She was too happy for realising something so big in a moment, just like that.  Laksh dragged her to the lake side again.

" Just pack your cameras and enjoy the view for your peace too not only for blogs." Laksh said still holding her hand.  Ragini was about keep them in bag but something striked in her mind and she turned on the handicam. She placed her head on Laksh's shoulder and switched the Cam to secondary. Clicked on record option.

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