The Clinic

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***Ava's POV

   There's a knock on my door and I sit up from staring at the ceiling, I seem to do a lot of that. Staring at ceilings.

   "Can I come in?" I hear Dazz's voice ask through the wooden door.

   "Yeah, sure." I call out, laying back down to do some more staring. He walks in and sorta just stands there, staring at me as I stare at the ceiling. 

   Dazz has to-die-for blue eyes that are a few shades brighter than Colin's, full lips that show a dimple when he smiles and thick black hair. From the looks of it, he hadn't bothered with a hair cut in a while. 

   "My mom just called. She said that they want to keep him over night for observation. To make sure all of his organs and stuff are okay, I guess." I sit up again, at the rate is was going, I was going to have a rockin' set of abs. 

   "What? I want to go see him." He walks over as I jump up and gently puts his hands on my shoulders, pushing me back to the bed gently.

   "He's okay, Ava. They're just taking precautions. Dad said that he was one of the best in shape. He doesn't think some of them will make it." His words were like a dull knife entering my heart.

   "Then I have to be there. It's my responsibility. They are my people. I must be there for them." I try to get up, but he firmly and somehow gently at the same time, keeps me in place.

   "Right now, your only responsibility is to rest. You can't take care of them if you're too exhausted to do so. Take a power nap and I'll drive you there myself. Okay?" I study him for a moment. Not sure what I was trying to find, but I guess I found it in those beautiful blue eyes, because I relented and laid back down.

   "Fine. One hour. No more." I lay on my side and curl up in my usual sleeping position.

   "No less." He counters and I nod.

   He leaves the room without another word.

   An hour later, we're in his car and driving towards the clinic. I notice that his planet is very similar to the earth I pictured in my head from stories told to me when I was little. Even the cars were the same as the pictures in our small library. He had what I think was called a convertible. A mustang is what he called it.

   "So, you're an alien." I state the obvious.

   He chuckles. "Seems so." 

   "What can you do?" I was actually curious to hear his answer. I had never spoken to an alien before. We had had a few run ins, but they had all tried to kill us. Didn't really have time to sit down for a cup of tea and chat when we were fighting, or running, for our lives.

   "Well, that's a long lists. We can run really fast, are really strong, can go months with out food or water, there are a bunch of other things, and I can show you later, if you want." He looks over to me and I nod.

   He grins the rest of the way to the clinic. Like I had just told him I was going to give him a free lap dance. Pfft, as if.

   When we get there, the whole place is in complete chaos. Now that people weren't worried about Susie and me and their adrenaline had worn off, the extent of their injuries was being shown. I could hear moan of pain and cries of sorrow as I passed rooms walking towards Commander Chris.

   "Ah, Ava. There you are.I was just about to send someone to find you. I need your help with all of this." He gestures all around us.

   "I figured as much. What do you want me to do?"

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