An Accident Waiting To Happen

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***Ava's P.O.V

   I was seeing our ship, our home, for the first time since the crash. I honestly didn't know how I felt at the moment. Seeing everything that I've ever known, reduced to a pile of rubbish, it was unreal. 

    Dazz came up behind me. "You okay?" I nod.

   "Yeah, I'm fine." But I wasn't so sure at the moment. I wanted to start yelling and screaming beating anyone and everyone that had anything to do with this. I was filled with a rage so strong that I was scared of me. Which was kinda of weird if you thought about. 

   I got my temper under control and walked toward the wreckage. There were a lot of men working to get things done. They ranged age wise from what looked like fifteen to fifty. I was surprised at that. Why were they making mere children do all of this work? 

   I decided to ask Dazz. He replied saying the kids weren't forced to do anything.

   "Anyone between the ages of fifteen and eighteen can volunteer to help out. They have to reach a certain criteria in order to help and their parents have to agree." I nod my head and drop the subject.
   A boy that looked to be about fifteen and another one that seemed to be about our age were trying to pull something out of the wreckage. I went over to help and noticed a sharp piece of metal behind the younger boy.

   Well that's an accident waiting to happen. Then I also noticed his grip slipping. I started running and got to him just as he fell back. I grabbed his arm and spun, falling in the process.

   My eyes went wide as I felt the metal pierce my skin and run through my back out of my stomach. I was still holding the boy up so he didn't get hurt, but I could feel my strength waning. The boy rolled off me with wide eyes as Dazz started shouting and I heard pounding footsteps.

   The other guy drops to his knees next to me a panicked look crosses his face as he hovers his hands over my body. Dazz slides in on my other side with tears streaming down his face.

   "No, no. No, no, no, no, no! Ava, baby, can you hear me? You're going to be okay. You're going to be just fine." At this point we've drawn the attention of just about every one there and they were gathering around us.

   Someone was talking rapidly, something about a doctor. My eyes went back to Dazz as blood started trickling out of my mouth. He was holding my face and saying something about holding on and keeping my eyes open, but I was tired. Wait, no. I knew that I had to keep my eyes open.

   I. Could. Not. Go. To. Sleep!
   With that I felt some of my strength come back to me and I put my hands on the ground on either side of me and brace myself. Dazz's eyes go wide and he yells while others gasp as I push on the ground and push myself up. I bite the inside of my cheek so I don't scream as I feel the metal slide back through my body.

   I finally get the piece of metal out of my body and am about to fall right back on it when Dazz's arms go gently around me and he pulls me into his lap.

   "Holy crap! What were you thinking?!?!" He's freaking out and I almost laugh, but I can't. I lost all my strength doing that.

   "Better . . . if I'm . . . already . . . ready . . . to go . . . when . . . they get . . . here to . . . take me . . . to the . . . hospital."  I rasp out. I could taste the blood in my mouth and could barely breathe at this point. Black started taking over my vision, but I pinched my thigh as hard as I could to keep me awake. I had to stay awake as long as possible.

   Dazz leans down and kisses me, getting blood on his lips. "Please stay with me, baby. I can't loose you." I smile faintly as I finally loose the battle against the darkness.

***Dazz's P.O.V

   Panic rushes through me as Ava's eyes close. No, no, no. This is not happening. This can't be happening. I wouldn't let it happen.

   I stand up with her in my arms and make my way to my car. I get in my seat with her still in my arms and hold her with one arm while I use the other to drive.

   I pull into the clinic parking lot like a mad man, nearly taking out some guy with his kids. Oh well, not my problem. Ava was hurt. I bolt her inside and start yelling for help.

   "Someone get over here and help her or I start knocking heads!" I say as I come in. A couple of people look over an their eyes widen as they see Ava. A few people get worried faces, others start crying, and some just look like they wanted to rip my head off.

   A doctor and two nurses rush over with a gurney and I unhappily put her down. They rush her into a room and shut the door in my face when I try to go in with them.

   Uh, no. Not freaking happening! I try to open the door, only to find that it's locked. What the heck!?! I punch it a few times, but nothing happens.

   I turn and slump against the door. This was going to be a long night. I pull out my phone and call mom. Riley would want to know about this, but I didn't have a way of getting hold of him so I'd get mom to bring him.

   "Hey, baby. How's everything down at the ship? Will you be home soon? Dinner should be ready soon." I hear mom's care free voice come through the phone and I close my eyes. She loved Ava like a daughter already. She was going to go crazy over this.

   I take a deep breathe as I wipe away tears I hadn't even realized were rolling down my cheeks off of me face. "M-mom . . . " I can't get out anything else I was trying not to complete break down in the middle of the clinic with so many people around.

   Mom immediately goes full on momma bear and worry and a bit of anger fill her voice. "What happened, baby? Where are you?"

   "We're . . . at the clinic." I manage to get out.

   She sucks in a sharp breathe. "Where's Ava? Is she with you?"

   I don't answer. I can't. I know that she will most likely be just fine, but the thought of her hurt and seeing what I did. I couldn't handle it.

   "Dazz." Mom says urgently.

   "Sh-sh-she got hurt, m-mom. Av-va-va's hurt."

   She doesn't hesitate. "I'm coming, and I'm bringing your father and Riley." I nod, even though she can't see me, and hang up.

   I dry my eyes and hold back the tears that threaten to fall. Ava wouldn't want me like this. She wouldn't be like this. She would be calm and collected and would be demanding some fricking answers.

   But I'm not Ava. She was better at keeping her feelings hidden and keeping her feelings from interfering with getting the job done.

   I stand up and sigh running and hand through my hair. I was going to have to wait till they came out and told me.

   Just then a nurse comes out, white as a sheet. "What? What's wrong? Is Ava okay? Can I see her?" I throw question after question her way.

   She just points behind her and steps aside. The doctor and other nurse rush out behind the other one, looking back with looks on their faces that confuse me. What's wrong with these people?

   I go to Ava's bed side and see that she's paler than the nurse had been when she had come out.

   "Ava? Are you okay, baby?" She looks up at me, eyes the size of saucers and skin the color of milk.

   "I'm completely fine." She says and I get confused. What?

   She must read the confusion on my face, because she pushes the blanket covering her wound away to reveal perfect unblemished and unbroken skin.

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