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***Ava's P.O.V

   I sat on my bed wondering how I was going to get out of this. Naomi wanted me to help with the kids and wouldn't take no for an answer. And what's worse, as soon as Axel had found out, he had decided that a guys day was in order and had left with Milo and Dazz and hasn't come back since. Freaking traitors.

   I heard running feat and groaned, here they come.

   "AVA!!!" My door rattled as something, more like someone, ran into my door and bounced off. "Ouch."

   I grinned and walked to the door, opening it. I didn't hate kids, I actually loved them, but I still have a lot to do and don't have the time for this. I look down and see little Mika on the ground, holding his bleeding head.

   "My God! How fast were you running?" I lean down and pick him up as tears start to run down his face. "Oh, no. None of that, now. Come on, lets get that fixed up, yeah?"

   I set him on my bed and walk into my bathroom to get a wet towel and first aid kit. I kneel down in front of him and tilt his head so I can see better. I run the rag over the bloody spot on his forehead and he winces. "Sorry, bud." I continue, trying to be as gentle as possible.

   "So, what do you think of all us humans in your home?" I say teasingly, I was just try to get him to think about something other than the pain.

   He giggles. "I like it. I got a boy and girl my age living with me. They're a lot of fun."

   There weren't many kids his age with us but there was a set of twins, Alice and Alec, that was probably who he was thinking about. "Ah. Would I happen to know this boy and girl your age that are so much fun?" I ask with a smile as I pull out the disinfectant and pop the cap off. "Eyes closed." He closes them and I spray it over his forehead, using my other hand to block his eyes.

   He winces, but doesn't react any other way as he replies. "I'd hope so. They talk about you all the time. Alice and Alex? They adore you. So do their friends. I can see why." He grins at me as his eyes pop back open. I grin back and grab a bandage. I put some cream on the bandage before smoothing it over his head.

   "Hmm. Alice and Alec . . . let me think . . ." I put a finger to my lower lip as I pretend to think and forget the names.

   "Really? They're the only twins you know!!!"

   "Hmm? Twins? Ah, yes the twins! Alice and Alec! Why didn't you say so before, silly?" He sputters as he looks at me.

   He finely mutters, "Bully," before getting up and darting out of my room as I chuckle. I clean up and head out behind him. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

   An hour later I was eating my words in the worst way possible. I had one baby on my arms crying, another on my hip wiggling around because she decided I was a jungle gym, one kid on each foot and about five more running around like wild animals. And worst of all, a kid has fell and busted his head open way worse than Mika had earlier so Naomi took him and a couple of the only good kids to the clinic.

   That's it. Enough was enough. I sit the baby down in a crib, then peel clinging kids off of me and literally toss them onto the couch. Then I put two fingers in my mouth and let out an ear piercing whistle.

   "Okay! Listen up! All of you are going to sit down and watch a movie while I get the babies down for a nap and get dinner started. Understood?" I say in my most commanding voice. They all nod their heads frantically and settle down in front of the TV. I sigh and put a show that I and heard most kids loved, then picked up both babies, who were both crying now, and took them to my room. I set up their cribs in there and fixed them both bottles before putting them to bed.

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