Musical Houses

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***Dazz's P.O.V

   I sit out in the car while Ava's inside the house helping the man and woman pack up. We've been here for over forty minutes and I'm starting to get a little bored just sitting out here. I perk up when I see Ava come outside with a duffle bag in hand, flanked by two humans. I pop the trunk and get out to take the bags. I put them in the back while they get in the car. Then I hop in and look at Ava.

   "So. Where to?" She purses her lips and I realize she hasn't thought this far yet. I smile and roll my eyes before pulling out the drive way. I look up and see Thaddeus staring out the window at us. "You know what, don't answer that question. I've got a place they can stay. 

   She looks at me curiously. "Where?" Her commander voice his back and I feel my heart fall for moment until I realize that it was for the two humans in the back. I knew she had to keep up appearances in front of her people. 

   "There's a cabin in the woods. It's not far in, but you also won't be bothered. My family owns the place and you can use the cars there. I glance back at the man and he nods to me.

   "Okay. Thank you, Mr. Wolf. That's very kind." I try not to wince when she calls me that. It made me feel like my dad. And I didn't like it coming from Ava's lips when she was talking to me. Appearances, Dazz. Appearances, I think as I drive down the road and try not to look over at Ava. I knew that it would draw questions if I showed to much interest in her. And questions isn't a good thing right now.

   I pull in to the long drive way and glance over at Ava. She was smiling at a pack of deer that were grazing in a meadow you pass on the way to the house. It makes me think of the wounded deer in the woods.

   "How much longer?" The woman in the back asks me, looking around with wonder. She looks to be in her early twenties maybe even late teens. She had mousy brown hair, brown eyes, and fair skin. 

   I don't answer as the cabin comes into view. It was one story with a loft and was fully updated in the inside. It was made from logs and was just a plane square building, it was so unlike the buildings in town that I see Ava do a double take. That makes me smirk as I put the car in park.

   "Wow. This place is beautiful." The woman's voice is dreamy as she looks around.

   I smile at her. "I'm glad you like it. You will be living here from now on." She smiles at me then sends an anxious glance at the cabin. "Go on. Take a look." She takes off for the house and the three of us laugh.

   I go to the back of the car and the man follows me while Ava follows the girl inside. "Thank you for this. Something just wasn't right with that guy." I hand him one the bags and close the trunk.

   "I'm not the one you should be thanking. I was just the ride here. But your welcome anyway." He grins and we start walking for the door. He looks like an older male version of the woman.

   "I'm Jacob, by the way. Jacob Miller." He holds out his hand and I take it.

   "Dazz Wolf." We walk in just in time to see the woman from over the railing from up in the loft. Luckily, there was a couch right underneath that she manages to land on.

   "And that little terror that's going to get herself killed is Sophia. My little sister." She laughs and hops up. 

   "This place is beautiful! There's even a lake in the back yard, Jacob! A lake!" Her smile is so big as she bounces up to her brother that I think that it just might split her face for a moment. 

   He laughs. "Is there now?"

   "Yes! And it sparkles like the stars at night. Oh, it's gorgeous, Jacob! Absolutely stunning!" I laugh as she starts dragging him to the back door. "You've got to come see it!"

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