New Talents

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***Dazz's POV

   Holy crap! I flinch as glass shards fly at my face and quickly block Ava's body with my own. Did she do that? How could she have? Humans don't have that kind of power. In fact they didn't have any actual powers. What she just did was something that we did, and I know it wasn't me. I have complete control over my abilities now.

   Riley lets out a string of profanity as the glass hits him, Ava lets out a surprised yelp, and I just grunt from the small pain of the glass shards digginng into my exposed skin.

   After wards, we all just stare at one another until mom and dad come running down the hall, blood oozing out of all exposed skin, just like Riley and myself. Ava was the only one glass didn't hit. I was glad as I held her to me.

   "What happened? Is everyone okay?" Mom looks us all over and lets out a breathe of relief that we'r all, for the most part, okay.

   "Uh...well...ya see..." Ava can't seem to finish her sentence. I hate seeing her like this. Nervous, scared, flustered and tense. It just wasn't like her. She was always in control.

   Ava was calm, collected, relaxed and courageous. I wanted her to be like that again.

   "Why don't we go sit down in the living room? That way we can explain." I cut in smoothly, and she throws me a grateful look. I smile at her reassuringly. 

   All cleaned up and gathered in the family room, I tell them what had happened and how I think that Ava was the one that blew the light bulbs up. Riley glared at me when I told them what Ava and I had been doing before the incident and I thought he was going to lunge towards me at any moment.

   I had to admit that it was more than a little scary. I finally understood what people mean when they say if looks could kill, because if that was true I'd be six feet under right now. 

   "And that's when you two came running down the hall." I finish.

   "So she has powers now? The powers that we have?" My dad asks in disbelief. Ava's face was stark white and I put an arm around her.

   "It's okay. You're okay." I whisper in her ear low enough so that she's the only one that can hear me. 

   She nods and calms down a little, getting a hold of herself. She straitens out of my embrace and looks perfectly in control again.  I smile. That's my girl.

   "How is that possible?" She asks no one in particular. Silence meets her question. "Is there no one that we could ask that would know what's going on with me?"

   I hesitate then say. "We can ask the Elders. If anyone would know, it would be them. And if not they'll figure it out. Even if only to be able to stop it from happening again." She gives me a hopeful look. 

   "Do you think they might be able to fix it?"

   "I don't know. I really don't. Maybe." Her face falls a little and she lays her head on my shoulder for a moment, then she sinks back into herself, straightening her spine and squaring her shoulders. 

   "Okay, so we'll go to the Elders and figure this out. Then we'l hopefully find a way to fix this. When can we go see the Elders exactly?" She turns to me.

   "I'm actually supposed to go see them later, so you can come and wait outside while I'll talk to them and then when we're done you can come in. Yeah?"

   She nods once and that was that. Afterwards we decided to run a few errands for my parents in town.  

   "So, what all are we doing?" she asks while flipping through the music stations to find something she liked. 

   "Uh, we have to get some groceries, my mom needs me to pick some...feminine things for her." I blush and she laughs, the sound like music to my ears. "But other tan that I think we're good." 

   "Do you want me to get your mom's stuff?"

   "Yes. Please. Here's her list." I shove a piece of paper with what my mom wanted at her and she laughs again making me smile.

   "Okay okay." She takes it. 

   Oh and we also are going to see the Elders, but you know that." She smiles and nods, but doesn't say anything. I knew this was getting to her, but  I didn't know how to fix it. I sigh and keep driving.

   A few minutes later we pull up to the store and we get out. "Okay so you go get what's on the list and I'll get the food." She nods and tuns to go but I grab her hand pulling her to me. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where do you think you're going, little missy?" She laughs.

   "Going to get what your mom asked for." I wrap my arms around her waist as I lean back against the car smiling down at her.

   "What without saying bye or even see ya later?" She laughs again wrapping her arms around my neck. 

   "Bye and see ya later. Happy?" She grins.

   "Hmm. Not quite." I smile and kiss her, hearing a few gasps from around us. When we pull apart she gives me a thousand watt smile that I swear stops my heart. She pecks me on the lips one more time and walks away, not caring, or even paying attention to, the stares we were getting from both our kind and leaving me there to stare after her in complete awe.

***Ava's POV

   I smile while I find everything Mrs. Wolf asked for. I've never felt like this before and it kinda scared me, though I would never admit that to anyone accept myself, but I don't know what's gotten into me. I don't want to gt attached only to get hurt when it's time for me to leave. 

   My smile falls for a little bit but I shake my head from those thoughts and finish getting everything on the list getting a few things that I needed too and going to find find Dazz. 

   I think about what Dazz had said this morning. About me gaining powers that only they are supposed to have. I didn't know how I felt about it exactly, but I did know that I wanted them gone. My people might not trust me all the way if they find out I am in any way, shape, or form like the people that crashed our ship and hurt so many people.

   I shake my head and feel sorrow for the friends and family we lost due to the crash. I was going to have to figure out who to put the few orphaned children with.

   Still lost in thought, I turn a corner and run into Dazz for the second time today. "Oh, found you." He chuckles and puts an arm around me. 

   "Yep you found me. Do you need a gold star?" I elbow him and he winces but still chuckles. "No need to get violent."

  "Shut up." He grins and I roll my eyes, hiding a smile.

   "Come on let's get this payed for and leave." I nod and we get rung up then leave.

   People stare at us but we ignore them as we get in the car and leave. 

   "So now we drop this off at your house and head over to the place we were taken when we got here right?"

   "Yep that's the plan. Were you able to find everything easily?" I roll my eyes at his question.

   "Yeah, though you guys have weird names for stuff." He laughs and I feel it turn my insides to goo.

   "To you guys I suppose so, but remember to us you guys have some weird names for stuff." I smile and agree.

   "You got me...oh my god watch out!" He had been so busy looking over at me that he didn't see the huge tuck plowing right towards us till it rammed into the side as I threw a hand up without knowing why I was doing it.

   Hey, guys! I know I took a while for this one, but just bare with me. We're having to practically build a new house the place we're moving into is so messed up so lots of work and I've also had a few other things, but soon I should be able to have a regular schedule so yeah that should be it. Please like, follow and comment! Love you all!

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