The Blood Queen Prophecy

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***Dazz's POV

   For a moment after Ava passes out we all stare at her, then the Elders all start talking at once and I stoop down to pick her up in my arms, holding her close to my chest as I try to wake her up.

   All the while my mind is spinning from what just happened. It couldn't be. There was now way a human could be the one, but in a way I guess it was possible. The oracle  that predicted that she would come, Arantza, had said that it would be a girl. She did not specify what species. 

   I look down into Ava's face. She looked so peaceful when she was asleep. Not the stone hard leader with a brave heart and caring soul, but a little girl that could be easily broken.

   Earl clears his throat. His face was white as a sheet, but he was smiling. "Well . . . that was . . . unexpected, but in this new found knowledge we have decided to leave the girl be. Dazz, you will bring her here three times a week for a meeting and we will try to move forward. We have all witnessed a very important time in history, but for now I don't want it getting out that we have found the Regina del Sangue. The Blood Queen has arrived."

   A few of the Elders clapped, others looked like they were sucking on a lemon. I nod and quickly carry her out of there. 

   Setting her gently in the passenger side seat, I kiss her forehead lightly before buckling her up, getting in my seat and driving off. I make sure to pay special attention to the roads. 

   When we get to the house nobody is home. I pick her back up and take her to her room. I tuck her in then lay down with her. Wrapping one of my arms around her waist I hear her sigh softly and snuggle back into me before settling back down. I smile and just lay there holding her.

   An hour later I feel her stir and look down at her. "Good morning, gorgeous." She elbows me and I make an 'oof' sound laughing slightly. "Hey, what was that for?"

   She rolls her eyes and gets up. "What happened? How did we get here? Why do I feel so weak yet strong at the same time? How long have I been asleep?" 

   "Well, what's the last thing you remember?" I ask laughing again as she shoots question after question at me.

   "I remember telling them about what had happened then everybody sorta freaking out. I felt this anger that I never felt before, like everything in me was boiling." She answers as I pull her down to sit next to me again.

   "Well you hit your head when you fell, that's probably why you don't remember anything. That and a few of your powers kicked in when you felt that anger."

   "What do you mean hit my head? And I got more powers? What did the Elders say? Can they get rid of them? What kind of powers did I get? And what do you mean by a few? When will . . . " I cover her mouth with my hand to stop the waterfall of questions from escaping her mouth.

   "Which one of those do you want me to answer first?" She pulls my hand away from her mouth and thinks about it.

   "What did you mean by a few of my powers kicked in?" She finally asks.

   "You had to pick one of the harder ones didn't you?" I sigh and look at her. "Okay, simply put,  we figured out why you are getting these abilities."

   She waits for me to continue with y explanation. I don't. Finally she gets impatient and starts moving her foot as if she was tapping it. "Well?"

   "That's a long story."

   "I don't mind."

   I sigh. "Okay, fine. So, you know that  the Elders are the . . . well the bosses around here right?" She nods. "Well it wasn't always like that. Thousands of years ago we didn't have the Elders. We had kings and queens." She looks confused, not knowing where I'm going with this.

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