The Elders

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***Ava's POV

   Everything was still. Nothing around us was moving, but we could see everything trying to. The air vibrated with the urge to shift even just the slightest bit, but I wouldn't let it. Because if I did, Dazz and I would both die.

   "Am I doing this?" I ask in awe. Dazz stares at me, complete disbelief painted over his face.

   "Oh my god. Holy crap. This can't be happening."

   "What's wrong?" Sweat starts to bead on my forehead from the effort of holding time in its place. 

   "There should be no way you could do this. I mean you shouldn't have been able to do what you did this morning, but this is something only the Elders can do."

   I gulp, realization dawning on me. "I'm not getting rid of these abilities am I?"

   "No. I don't think you are."

   "Well crap. Okay, let's talk about that later can you please move the car forward so we can, uh, oh you know, not get run over by the death truck of doom? I don't know how much longer I can hold this. I don't even know how I'm holding this." He laughs, actually laughs, God I was going to kill him, and pulls the car forward a couple feet so we don't get hit. Then I feel myself loose my grip and everything starts moving again.

   Then I feel myself start to loose my grip on consciousness. I had felt a little drowsy earlier when I blew the light bulbs up, but that was nothing compared to what I felt now as black crept across my vision.

   The last thing I remember is hearing Dazz call my name as the darkness takes over.

   I wake up laying on an old but expansive looking couch in an unfamiliar room. Slowly, I sit up taking in my surroundings. Everything was done in an old victorian like decor. I decided not to touch anything lest I broke it as I quickly walked to the door.

   I wonder where Dazz is and what happened to him as slowly and silently open the door and peek out. I didn't see anyone but I heard voices and decided to head in that direction.

   As I crept down the hall I was able to identify one of the voices. Dazz. I smile and speed up gradually identifying the other voices as the Elders.

   As I go to open the door I hear my name and something causes me to hesitate. I listen catching snippets of their conversation.

   "No one can find out about this..." One voice says.

   "Well what can we do..." Another voice answers.

   "We could possibly..." A different voice chimes in.

   "I say we just eliminate her..." A new voice says, causing me to freeze.

   "No. You can't do that to..." That was Dazz. 

   I gulp as I listen in. Eliminate? But why? Because I somehow got these powers that I don't even want? I start listening in again, actually pressing my ear to the door this time.

    Dazz was talking. "She is very important among her people. If they hear of you killing her because of something that was probably caused by us after we already shot down their ship, there will be a riot."

   Someone scoffs. "We can handle them. They're weak and pitiful defenseless humans." If feel my blood boil at what he said. It was the guy from earlier that wanted me eliminated.

   "Yes, that's all true, besides the insults you threw at them, from what I've seen, Ava was a force to reckoned before she got these powers, but think of the casualties and unneeded deaths. They're living in our people's homes. And I guarantee that if you you even hurt a hair on her head they will retaliate."

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