Picnic At The Park

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***Ava's P.O.V

   I'm back in bed, staring at the ceiling. I seem to be doing this a lot lately. A hundred thoughts were swimming through my head all at once. Thoughts about healing, about my people, about the ship, about the prophecy. About Dazz.

   I thought I was strong. I was so wrong. It took everything in me to not completely break down in front of everyone. I knew if I broke, the others would follow. I couldn't look weak in front of my people. I wouldn't. Not in front of the commander. Not in front of my people. Not in front of Milo. Not in front of anyone. So I use these moments, when I was alone and nobody was watching, to just let it all out. Because sometimes that's just what you need to do. Just let it out.

   I sigh as I feel the first tear roll down my cheek. I was really trying, but I didn't know how longer I could keep going like this. The thought that I could have helped them but didn't crushed me inside. I could have helped my people and didn't. Did that make me a bad person? Was I killer? Does not saving someone mean the same thing as killing them?

   No. I didn't kill them. With that thought, I wipe my tears and get up. I needed to work this out of my system. I drop to the floor and start doing push-ups. One, two, three, four, five . . . and that's what I did for the rest of the night. I didn't think of anything but what I had to do right then. Another push-up. Another sit-up. The next thirty minutes of jogging in place. And, honestly, it was nice.

   When the sun came up, I finally stopped my work out and hopped in the shower. My muscles were aching, and I loved it. The ache felt good. It meant that I actually did something. I got out and put on my usual out before going to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone before they got up.

   Today was the day the kids went back to their own homes, so I was going to make a big breakfast for them, then, later, we're going to the park to have a picnic.

   I put on some music to listen to as I work and smile as I hear that they had started doing songs in what they called "the human language ." We knew what we were speaking, but we never bothered to correct them. I remember Milo telling me once that we used to have many different kinds of languages, but everyone on our ship spoke the same language. I wondered, briefly, if the other ships out there spoke different languages. What did the other languages sound like? Were they musical like Dazz's language? Or did they just sound like words falling out of their mouths like English does?

   I set the eggs and bacon the table and go start on the waffles. Waffles had to be better then pancakes, right? I mean, after all, they had abs.

   I cut up fruit and make fresh orange juice, make coffee and tea, Naomi told me that she preferred tea to coffee any day of the weak, and set the table with little name plates. Then, since I could only be so nice, I grabbed a pot and a spoon, went to the hallway, and started beating on the pan while yelling to wake everyone up.

   "Okay, people! The suns up so you should be too! Come on, hustle!" I smirked as I heard I yell, thump, and groan from Dazz's room. Kids started coming out of places, my room, Milo's room, Dazz's room, the living room. I swear we were neck deep in kids here. They grumbled as they walked by me, wiping tired eyes and finding their spot at the table. I smile at them, but my smirk comes back as I see Dazz stumble out of his room with a red spot on his forehead.

   "Hey, sleepy head. Wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" I grin as he scowls and walks over to me.

   "That wasn't very nice. I could have fell on a kid."

   "Well, good thing you didn't, because they would have been a pancake if you fell on them." He grins and I smile up at him before turning to go back to the kitchen. Only I don't make it that far due to arms going around my waist.

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