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***Dazz's POV

   I lay awake in bed for hours doing nothing except thinking about her. About her hair, how it flows around her like a battle cape, how I wanted so badly to reach out and feel if it was as soft as it looked, how it seemed to darken to a chocolate one moment and almost honey colored the next depending how the light hit it.

   About her eyes, how they seemed to carry as much experience, pain, loss and wisdom they seem to hold while still letting the insecurities of a child show, how they sparkled when she was with her people, how they took in every detail of everything, not missing a single thing.

   About her hands, how the were quick, steady and nimble, the palms covered in harsh looking calluses that spoke of months, maybe even a few years, of hard work while the tops still looking so silky soft that I wanted to constantly hold them and never let go, how they held strength when she worked at the clinic today, helping with things that no girl her size should be able to do and helping with things that usually took years of practice to be able to do.

   About her as a whole, how she showed such dedication and love for her people, how she was such a fighter, sticking up for her people when I would expect her to run, cower or scream, how she was ready to give anything up, even her life, to protect those she cared about.

   She amazed me. That was all there was to it. When we had first met, she had put herself between me and that little girl, Susie. When she had been before the Elders, she had showed respect, but didn't act as if they scared her. She ha stood there like a soldier at attention, ready to jump into action at any moment.

   I wanted to know more than all of this though. I wanted to know the deeper stuff. Her real feeling s about her family's deaths, why she was the way she was, what had caused the scars that I had spotted covering her body while following her around the clinic.

   Until now, I had forgotten about them. Nearly as soon as I had seen them, one of her people's heart gave out while she was talking to him and she had given him chest compressions while I got the nurse, he didn't make it.

   At the reminder of her scars a flash of curiosity and something else, anger maybe, flashed through me. What had caused them? Had someone purposely done that to her? Or something else? 

   I wanted to know, and then an idea came to mind.

   Smiling for what tomorrow was to bring, I finally turn over and go to sleep.

***Ava's POV

   Knock, knock. 

   I look up at the sound of knocking the door from lacing up my boots. "Come in."

   Dazz strolls in with, by golly, a picnic basket in his hands and grins at me. This couldn't be good.

   "Do you wear anything else other then black?"

   "Hey. The jackets brown . . . just a dark brown." He snorts, unimpressed. "Oh, shut it. What do you want anyhow?"

   "Well, since you asked, I thought that we could go on a picnic, so that I can show you the beauty of our planet."

   I raise a brow. "As lovely as that sounds, no thanks. I have work to do. I have to check on the people in the clinic and then I have to help with the plans for the reconstruction of our ship. Or did you forget that the people that live on your beautiful planet shot it down from the sky? Then I also have to go around and make sure everyone is settled, go to Mary, Sean's wife, he's the one who dies last night," I stop for a moment, Sean's death had taken a toll on me. It was going to take a toll on all of us. 

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