Wakey Wakey

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***Dazz's P.O.V

   We were standing outside the bedroom door. After the doctor had arrived, he had ushered us all out of the room and hasn't come out since. That was three days ago. It was killing me, being out here and not knowing how she was. I wanted to be in there with her. To hold her and make sure she was okay. Leo and I have both been beating ourselves up over this. If we had just done our job and made sure she was okay, she wouldn't be laying in the with a stab wound in her side. 

   My head jerks up as the door creeks open. The doctor steps out and closes the door behind him. We all stand up and watch him expectantly. It was Riley, Leo, Clayton and I.  

   "Well?" I ask when he just stares at us. 

   "She should be okay. I understand that she usually heals rather quickly from wounds?" I nod and he goes on. "There was poison on the knife. It's called Morabor. It was designed to slow down the healing process. The knife itself punctured her . . ." After that he said a stream of words I didn't understand, but knew wasn't good. "So, she is now stable for the moment and I will be going back to my office to get the antidote for the poison. She should be fine until then." I nod to him and he leaves.

   As soon as he goes around the corner we're all bum rushing the door. We walk in and I see her laying in the middle of the bed with the blankets pulled up to her waist. She's asleep, so we make sure to stay quiet as we make our way over to the bed. I sit on one side of her and Riley sits on the other side. Leo stands behind me and Clayton is at the foot of the bed. Riley and I each take one of her hands and we all just look at her. She's lost a lot of blood and her skin almost blends in with the white sheets beneath her. She doesn't move a muscle after we take her hands and that worries me. 

   "Bring me the guards," I say as I look down at Ava. I see Clayton leave out of the corner of my eye and hear the door click shut. None of us say anything. I lean down to kiss her cheek gently, but stop when I I feel a slight pressure on my hand. I look down and see Ava's fingers curling around my hand. I look over to Riley's hand and see her other hand doing the same thing to his. My eyes shoot back up to settle on her face just in time to see her beautiful eyes open. "Hey, baby. How ya feelin'?"

   She gives me a small smile. "My side and chest hurt a bit, but not as bad as before." She looks around the room and sees Leo and Riley there. I know we all looked like crap and you could see it in the face she made. "When was the last time any of you took a shower? Do you know the meaning of soap and water?" We laugh.

   "Well, Aves, we haven't even thought about that since we found out what happened." Riley smiles down at her in relief.

   "How long was I out?" 

   "Three days ago." Her eyes go wide and she starts sitting up.

   "I have to get out of this bed. I have paper work to do. People to talk to. The other royals to plan for. I don't have time for all of this. I have to get up now." Riley and I gently push her back down.

   I open my mouth to tell her I'd find a way to chain her to the bed if she didn't stay down, but Riley beat me to it. Sort of. "Ava, baby, you need to rest and wait for the doctor to return. If he says that you are well enough to get up and work, then we will let you, but you will have to take it slow. If he says that you need to rest for a few more days, then that's what you're going to do. Don't fight with me on this. Your people need a queen in good health, and they won't have that if you run yourself into the ground after just getting stabbed. Now lay down and rest." She grumbles, but, reluctantly, lays down.

   I sigh in relief. I knew our best bet was talking her out of it. I'm glad Riley was able to do that. "Okay, fine. But I will only rest for one more day. We don't have long until they arrive." We all sigh, but nod. We were lucky to get her to rest for that long. "Can someone get me a drink?" Leo runs over to the little kitchenette we had in the room and starts looking in the fridge.

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