18. BREAK me UP

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Minjin's POV

"Guys leave now," Taehyung says folding his hands making it into a fist.

"Okay Oppa, be safe!" Jandi the sweet sugar bitch said with that high pitch voice of hers and finally left. Jin also left without a word.

"Were you doing this behind my back?! Meeting Jin when you have a boyfriend?! Huh?!!" Taehyung says angrily.

"You were doing the same! Hanging out with Jandi not even approaching me!" I yelled at him.

"Then what were you doing with Jin?! I bet secretly dating behind my back am I right?!".

"No I did not! I did it because he was a friend that help me everytime you were with Jandi!" I threw my arms around and folded them across my chest.

"You could have get over it and not be such a bitchy girlfriend!" Taehyung says angrily and rolled his eyes.

"I'm not bitchy! I am damn jealous when Jandi is with you! I could see you laughing and flirting with her and that made me realized that you must have kissed her today right?" I asked Taehyung angrily.

Taehyung smirks.

"You're right. I did kiss her," I scoffed. "And she was a better kisser,".

"If she's a better kisser then we're over. Don't ever talk or approach me again," I said and slapped Taehyung so hard that he flew to Pluto. That's where Taehyung belongs because he doesn't belong in my heart anymore.

I left Taehyung and went outside.

Taehyung's POV

"You're right. I did kiss her," Minjin scoffs and I made sure to say this. "And she was a better kisser,".

Minjin slapped me and left me after we broke up.

She walked away and I widened my eyes.

After I realized what I have done, I yelled Minjin's name.

"Wait! Minjin I didn't mean't that!" I cried showing my panicked face.

I tried grabbing her wrist, but she was already gone.

I went outside to see Minjin in Jin's grasp.

Tears rolled down uncontrollably.

What have I done?

Minjin's POV

"Thanks for walking me home, you can go now," I said sniffing and holding back my tears.

"Okay, call me if you need anything," Jin says.

"I'm fine, just go home," I said and Jin smiles at me before going home.

Finally, in 100,000,000, I could rest in piece without anyone bothering me so I think I have nothing to do tomorrow. Let's eat all day without ever stopping today and then tomorrow I could go lose some weight!

What should I eat?

Raman, chicken, kimbap, a delicious hamburger, ice cream, mochi, and maybe I could order some Panda Express with a cold wet sprite! Then I'll have Mc.Donalds chicken nuggets! Ooh this is fun!

Taehyung's POV

I was walking down my street going nowhere, but to my house to maybe sit like a rock. Except, I'm a fabulous, sad, depressed, rock.

"Tae! Wait for me!" A familiar voice was shouting behind me. I looked at the back of me to see Jandi running toward me. Is she trying to be seducing while running? Her boobs look like they will fall out.

I stand there with no expression.

"Finally! Anyway let's go to that new cafe! I heard it has great flavors, and they give you a factory toy for only 1 dollar! We need to go!" Jandi says without even breathing or stopping for a moment. She grab my wrist and pulled me.

"Wait, but you just ran like 10 minutes ago?".

"Aww is my Taehyungie worried for me?" Jandi immediately becomes from tired to a crazy sugar-rush addict.

"No, anyway let's just go," I said.

Jandi squeals and pulls my arm dragging me.

Should I move on from Minjin and use Jandi as a rebound?

Minjin's POV

I rub my tummy as I finally took a sip of my cold icy sprite.

"Now Who is cleaning this mess up?" I asked myself as I took a look around the kitchen that was full of empty food.

I decided to clean the floor first so as I was walking to my cabinet to get some wipes and a broom so I could wipe the floor until I stopped in front of my mirror.

"I look that fat?" I said to myself.

I looked back to the kitchen to myself.

"Love yourself first!" I said and put on my gym clothes.

Since I had no car, I had to go on my bike. It was really hard, I had to walk my bike when there was a bump on the sidewalk and when there was a kid writing there.


After what seems like the whole day, I finally made it to the Gym!

"Are you new here?" A minion-like voice said behind me.

I turned around to see the owner's voice.

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