Chapter 5 - Emilia

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Isabella's P.O.V

I followed the wolves who I assume were from the Bold Fang Pack because I was their territory after all. Our hurried departure from Shadow Tooth territory was just that unplanned. It means that hopefully my ack can survive on rations for the next few days. 

The warriors seem to have believed my babbling that I was a lowly kidnapped omega which is good. I assume they are bringing me to the alpha, hopefully they'll make me the maid. Being the maid makes it easy to escape. Just do your chores, steal some stuff and run. Being assigned to someone as a personal maid is more complicated. 

After walking a good half hour, we arrive at their mansion, I mean pack house. This is not good. Worries overcome me. What if the Alpha Jason recognizes me? This is so shitty! I am now stressing myself out. I do not want to go back to Carson.  We enter the house and they lead me to the basement before leaving me. The idiots do not even tie me up, so I run around the cell a few times to not cramp. I wait for at least an hour before Alpha Jason comes storming in. He looks upset. I wonder why... He takes one look at me and bellow,

"Why isn't she tied up?" One of the guys who brought me feebly says,

"She's a harmless omega." Alpha Jason turns to death stare the guy who had spoken. After he turns back to me,

"A female omega. This could be useful for my mate." He is thinking aloud and now talking to me, "You know who to take care of a woman, yes?" I nod, "Good, good. You will be taking care of your Luna Emilia. Guards, take her to the Luna immediately!" This was not good. Lunas of these bloodthirsty packs do not tend to be the nicest people. Not what I needed today. I march alongside my 'guards' to the Luna's room. They  open the door and shove me inside.

I look around. It is a really pretty room, but what draws my attention the most was the crying girl in the middle. She must be the Luna. I carefully approach her and say,

"I am your new maid. Are you Luna Emilia?" She nods feebly, and my curiosity is aroused, "What's wrong, Luna?" Emilia looks at me and then suddenly hugs me. I stiffen at this unexpected gesture. She whispers in my ear,

"I am the best warrior and tracker of the Native Banes Pack. I am 18 years old and am mated to Alpha Jason of the Bold Fang Pack. My pack was fighting with theirs over territory when he found me and dragged me away. I need to get away. Will you help me?" I nod, happy at this newest development. She then steps away and exclaims in a fake cheery voice, 

"I think we will be best of friends." Alpha Jason probably has cameras in the room, so we will have to pretend like nothing is wrong. I smile at her and reply,

"Of course, Luna!" I then ask, "Would you like a bath?" There are no cameras in the bathroom because Jason would not want anyone to see his mate naked but him. I put Emilia in the bath and under the pretense of washing her hair I whisper into her ear, 

"I am Izzy, daughter of the alpha of the Thunder Mane Pack and mated to Alpha Carson of the Blood Moon Pack. I am fleeing him and I am 18 years old. I am now the Alpha of the Whites Wolves Pack which is constituted of other runaway Lunas. We need a plan to get away." Her eyes widen in shock and her forms an O. Eventually, we have to get out of the bathroom to avoid rousing suspicion. When we exit, she turns to me and asks, 

"What is your favorite weapon?" Emilia is trying to see what we would need when we escape. I answer,

"Knives are my favorite, especially silver ones." Another added benefit to being a white wolf, an immunity to silver.

"Me too. What is your favorite food?" I have to think about this one,

"I do not know, It is not really necessary. Is there anything else you can think of, Luna?"

"Clothes, a bag, rope are all good things." I smile. I was going to escape this with a new friend.

*One week later*

Emilia and I decided to wait a week before putting our plan in action to avoid rousing suspicion. We were gonna leave in the dead of night. Emilia used Jason to get her hands of the guard postions and changes. We would go by the path where there are the less guards possible, heading into Desert Howler territory, toeing the line of the Forest Growler territory. Our plan was perfect, we just had to make sure Jason did not notice that Emilia was missing until later. I had contacted my pack on where to meet us. Emilia was currently at dinner to assure Jason that she was still here. I was in her room, making the final preparations under the guise of cleaning. Eventually, Emilia came up, giving me a thumbs up to say the plan was a go.

Three hours later, we were creeping out of the house through the bathroom window. This was the hardest part, not to be noticed by the house guards. We were in wolf form and white did not exactly blend in. Silent as mice, both of us made it to the forest where I breathed a sigh of relief. Emilia and I continued on. Eventually, Sam, Elina, and Emma joined us. Emilia looked confused at their appearance because I did not tell her anything about them yet. She followed me since I seemed to have no reaction to them. We arrived at the border when the howls started. Obviously, Alpha Jason has noticed that his Luna had made a run for it. I ran across the border into Desert Howler territory rather than Forest Growler because Desert Howler was a bloodthirsty pack and could stop the Bold Fang Pack. I had sent Elina to find us a cave to stay in while I was inside the pack house. We rushed there, outpacing our pursuers. Arriving, I breathed a sigh of relief. My pack had prepared the cave for an extended stay of a month. We were safe for now.

Next thing to do was to introduce everyone and that is what we did. Emilia accepted our offer to join our pack and we settled down to rest. My wolf usually silent told me,

"We are nearly complete. Protect them!" I fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up to find that everyone was already hope. We all sat down to clear up any confusions. Emilia wanted to tell us something about the information going through the different packs,

"The packs have not made the connection between the runaway Lunas and the white wolves saviors. They are treating it as two separate people. Carson believes that you were kidnapped or something-" I chuckle "-It was getting crazy. The Alphas of the bloodthirsty packs are getting more and more paranoid with every disappearance. The current theory is the white wolves are kidnapping the Lunas to punish the Alphas for their misdeeds. They do not like this theory. I cannot believe you guys are one and the same. I was wishing to be rescued by the white wolves and you came." We smile. This is good news. This means that if we stay in human form, no one will look for us. 

Emilia is a warrior so she can help us train. We will move on in a month or sooner if we are discovered.

Life is going to be okay for now.

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