Chapter 49 - Allegiance

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Isabella's P.O.V.


The room was deathly silent. I could literally feel the wheels turning in each Kings' mind. It took them a minute to realize what the King Lucas of Africa voiced,

"King and Queens of land near and far, bow down to our Alpha Queen!"

End of Recap

King Lucas approached me as I had gone to sit on my throne during his speech and bowed to me. He waited in a submissive position to see if the other would follow. No one moved. That pissed me off. They owed me their allegiance. I told King Lucas in an ice cold voice,

"I need to teach your other foreign royalty some respect. Take your mate and stand next to Carson. He will block any effect that this could have on you." He quickly followed my instructions. At least, one of them had a self-preservation instinct. At that, King Sergei of Russia laughed and said,

"No way such a weak girl is the one of the prophecy. You are no Queen, much less the Alpha Queen of the foretold prophecy." I let out another bitter laugh. What a sexist group of people! Not even admitting that I could be one. They probably didn't even know my history. That would be fun to see the faces of these bastards when they realized a petty she-wolf had escaped one of the most powerful Alphas for over two months and a half. That would be a story for another time. Right now, it was time to teach them respect.

I made eye contact with each of the werewolf Queens: Queen Margot Black of South America, Queen Lilia Vasseur of France, Queen Alexandra Ivanov of Russia, Queen Helena Smirnov of Asia and Antarctica, Queen Maria Kabengele of Africa too and Queen Grace Aust of Australia. I created a mind-link between us. I was curious to have their perspective of the situation. 

I spoke out through the link, "Do you agree with your husbands/mates?" (text is in italic when spoken through the mind-link) I saw all of them visibly jump. Their mates asked them what was wrong, but they ignored them to stare at me. I however only smiled in return from my throne. 

Queen Maria of Africa spoke first, "My mate chose your side because the moon goddess told him that at this assembly there would be a shocking revelation that he should believe." I hadn't known that. At least, MG was working in my favor. The other queens thought over what Maria had said. Ignoring their mates, they were concentrated much to the despair of the Kings. 

Queen Lilia of France was the first to answer, "My mate is blind when it comes to the ability of any woman but me. Even then he says that he is responsible because he is my mate. I think that he is making a mistake by underestimating you.

Queen Alexandra of Russia was next, "My mate is very Russian, confidence and pride. I too will side with the Queens at your side. He will not listen to me, but I bow to your will." See, the women in this situation make smart choices. 

Queen Helena of Asia added, "As much as I agree with you all, I will not defy my mate and will abide by his choice." I disagreed of course but everyone has a choice.

Queen Margot of South America comments, "I much rather observe what will happen next before forming an opinion." Smart move, very diplomatic. She did not want to upset me if I really was the Alpha Queen, but she did not side with me in case I was not. 

Queen Grace of Australia had the last word, "I have no opinion much like Queen Margot. I will observe what happens next." At least, I had given them a choice instead of just making them listen to their mates. 

I warn them, "Either bow down to me now like King Lucas and Queen Maria of Africa did or stay with your mate and face the consequences of spiting an Alpha Queen." I gave them a second to make their choices. Queen Lilia of France and Queen Alexandra of Russia detached themselves from their mates much to the Kings' obvious displeasure and came to me. They bowed without any words. With a tilt of my head, I motioned them to go next to my mate. 

I took and a deep breath in and spoke with my wolf in control, "I gave you each of you several chance to obey me. Some of you did, some of you didn't. Now, you will anyway." I let go of my control over the dominance of my wolf. I let her roam free. My power slowly filling the room. At first, it was a regular amount for a werewolf King/Queen. Then, it was more powerful. After, it started to force them to their knees. King Oliver Aust of Australia and his Queen Grace were the ones who gave up first. I could tell when they decided to stop fighting. Instead, they bowed and showed their neck in submission all the while murmuring apologies. Next to go was the King Jones and Queen Margot of South America. They did the same thing as the ones before. Then, it was King Phillipe and Queen Helena of Asia and Antarctica. The last ones fighting it was King Jacques of Europe and King Sergei of Russia. After a tiny bit more force, they fell to me too. Queen Lilia of Europe and Queen Alexandra of Russia, those who stood by me, rushed to their mates side once they had submitted. 

I spoke out once again with my wolf in control, "If I was not Alpha Queen, could I have been able to bring the werewolf King and Queens of the world to their knees? I have given you proof and now you will respect me as your Alpha Queen." Belle, my wolf, finally gave me back control. The Kings and Queens were still saying their apologies for their earlier insults. I waved it off. 

Queen Lucas Kabengele of Africa smugly told the other Kings, "I was right you know." I rolled my eyes at his antics while the others just glared. I let them talk amongst each other harmlessly to let them get their composure back before breaching the important subject. After a while, I felt it was time.

I announced, "Now that you have had time to settle in, it is time to talk about the real reason you have come," I paused for dramatic affect. "The Moon Goddess came to me in a vision and spoke of a new prophecy." The Kings all groaned because none of them had wanted the first prophecy in the first place. "She only gave me the first part: 

A first one was made for the first Alpha Queen,

A second is created for our time of need,

She of the first will stand one more time

Only to fall without the help of six others of her kind

To complete the second,

The first must reunite

Those who would rather fight

All of this may seem in vain

But without which all shall fall." Everyone was deciphering it in their head. I however continued with my speech, "I have determined that you are the six others of my king this time around. You are six of Kings. We would rather fight like previously acted, but we have to stay together. What better way than by swearing allegiance to me?" The Kings thought it through, but they all knew that it wasn't really a question, but rather an order. One by one they all nodded their consent. The King of Europ Jacques did it annoyed, but did it nonetheless. 

I clapped my hands together and said, "Now that I have your agreement, let's plan the allegiance ceremony." 

And that is what we did for the meeting. 

Third Person's P.O.V.

Two weeks later, all the foreign royalty had gone home and the allegiance ceremony had gone off without a hitch. It was strange not to have many wolves bustling around the castle. It was strangely quiet too. Alpha Queen Isabella was resting with her mate. 

Little did she know that her story is not over. In fact, it was just the beginning.

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