Chapter 29 - The Escape

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Isabella's P.O.V.

I was so mad at him. I knew it was not safe to be this made when you were a white wolf, but I couldn't help. What else did those bastards do to my pack after I was knocked out? My anger took over. I could only see red and I was in pain. I knew that I was broadcasting my anger through all of my mind-links, but I couldn't bring myself to care. I do not know how much time passed when I was in anger mode. Elina brought me out of it by repeating.

"Izzy, your pack needs you. If you leave us, we will die." It brought my wolf and I out of this blinding anger. I stood up, realizing that I was no longer chained to the wall. My pack was looking at me in a mixture of awe and fear. To no one in general, I asked,

"What happened?" Sam answered,

"We felt you get mad through the bond. At first, we all went into the same way you are now, but Emma brought us out of it by crying. You, however, kept getting more mad. Eventually, you broke the silver chains which are infested with wolfsbane like they were nothing."

"Oh." Emilia adds in an annoyed voice,

"Not to burst your bubble or anything, but could you untie us? You are the only one free, and right now you are being useless." Her comment surprised a laugh out me. I am relieved that they will not treat me any different after that show of anger. I made short work of the chains. Once everyone was free, Miya questions,

"Now what?" I am the one who replied,

"We leave." I easily bent the door. According to my wolf, they believed silver would hurt me. Fat chance! They know nothing of white wolves. I walk out of my cell with my pack behind me. Emilia comments,

"No guards. They must have thought the chains and the silver would have stopped us. Cute." I try to mind-link our mates, but the connection is blocked. The rogues must have done something to us or the building we are in to block such a connection. We walked down the hallway to the stairs. There were empty cells on either side. It appears that we were the only guests at the moment. We went up the stairs and at the top, there were guards. Miya seethes under her breath,

"Luck could not just hold a couple more minutes." I chuckle, causing the guards to hear us and turn around. Fuck! I go straight to the bigger one and kick him in the stomach. He was not expecting it and fell to the ground. I reached over him to snap his neck and he flipped me to the ground. Damn, that hurt. He was pinning me down, forgetting about the others. Elina comes to my rescue, sneaking up and snapping his neck. I look over to the other guard and the rest of my pack had made short work of him. No one had sounded the alarm, good. I get up and go left down the hallway. Behind us, I hear a voice yell,

"Fuck! The prisoners have escaped!" Shit! I guess they found the bodies. We started running, but we did not know the layout. Soon enough, we were lost. Up ahead, I saw a group of rogues. I think they are looking for us. There are only five of them, so I took them with the others. I quickly tell the others,

"Keep one alive!" They nod and do as I say. Afterwards, I approach the surviving rogue. I order him,

"You will lead us out of here now!" I use my Alpha tone, so he cannot resist me. I follow him out with the rest of my pack. As we arrive to a back door, he tells us,

"You will be captured before escaping, you little bitches!" My wolf gets insanely mad at this blatant disrespect. I kill him. Emma gasps, but I don't care anymore. I needed to do that. None of these mutts who hurt my pack deserve to live. I turn to the others and inform them,

"When I open this door, you need to run for it. Wait until being in the forest to shift!" They nod silently and do as I say. I was right and there were a lot of weres outside. They all froze at the sight of us. I said,

"Run!" Then followed my own advice. We made it to the forest with a bunch of wolves on our heels. I did not shift because even in human form, white wolves were a lot faster than regular wolves in wolf form. I ran even faster. I heard Miya fall over and I stopped motioning for the others to continue. They did and I went to Miya, picking her up before resuming my running. She had twisted her ankle. With werewolf healing, she would be able to run in half hour but we had no time. I was the fastest because of the added benefit of being an Alpha, so I was now the slowest while carrying Miya. She had gained some weight, all muscle of course, but still. We ran and ran. Eventually, I felt a shift in the air. We were free of the rogue territory. A witch must have put a blocking shield around their territory. It could not hold us in though.

We're free!

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