Chapter 24 - Rogues and a Mistake

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Isabella's P.O.V.

It was the perfect afternoon with our dates. At least it was until the screaming started. I was in the middle of kissing Carson when Emilia's scream pierced through the air. In one second, I was up and running towards her with Carson close behind. In my head, I ran through who could be in danger. Emma and Sam were at the house with a lot of guards around, they'll be fine. However Miya, Elina and Emilia were outside. I mind-link Elina, 

"Where are you?" She answered quickly,

"Nearing the house. I heard rogues."

"Protect Emma and Sam. I got Miya and Emilia."

"Okay." I break off the connection to mind-link with Miya,

"Where are you?"

"With Daniel in forest, attacked by rogues."

"Head to Emilia's location, it will be easier to protect everyone once we are together."

"Be there soon." With that, we arrived at the waterfall. I saw Emilia and Jason surrounded by 15 wolves. Jason was in wolf form defending Emilia the best he could, but as it was, he had no chance. Suddenly, I notice a rogue sneaking around Jason and going for Emilia. He was in her blind spot. She was going to die! Without thinking, I shifted into my white wolf and lunged at the rogue. I could literally hear Carson's surprise. Jason probably thought I was Emilia's other friend as I told them and I came to rescue her. I knew I would hear about it from Carson later. Since I shifted, Emilia thought it was okay to shift too. She did and this time Jason was surprised. In that second, a rogue took him down. Immediately, Emilia was on top of the rogue, killing him and protecting an unconscious Jason.

We were all fighting off five rogues each when Miya and Daniel arrived with ten more on their tail. At the sight of us, Daniel hesitated, but Miya shifted into her wolf to join us. Daniel shifted also and started to fight. The odds were not in our favor with 25 against 6. It looked that way,  but no one accounted for extra white wolf strength, endurance and healing abilities. We healed faster than the average werewolf. It took us a while to finish them up. I got ten on my own while Emilia and Miya got ten working together. Daniel and Carson fought off the remaining five while protecting Jason. We were a good team. Finally we were done when Elina mind-linked me,

"30 rogues surrounding the house." Before I could even reply, she cut off the connection. I started running using my whit wolf and alpha speed, leaving my mate in my dust. This meant that we were five minutes away from the house at alpha running speed and I made it back in one. When I arrived with Miya because Emilia stayed with Jason, there were 20 rogues left and all the guards were dead. I could see my pack fighting in their wolf form with an unconscious Christopher and Aiden. I fought my way over to them to protect the helpless mates. We held our own and were down to 10 rogues when Daniel and Carson arrived. They jumped right in. There were only 6 left when one landed a hit on me. I fell to the ground and rolled, narrowly avoiding getting my neck snapped by a rogue. Almost instantly, Carson jumped to my defense. We outnumbered them and it was easy pickings after that. 

Reinforcements arrived at the border of neutral territory and our mates went to meet them in wolf form, dragging the one captured rogue along. While they were gone, Emilia returned with a semi-conscious Jason in tow. Elina mind-links me,

"I am sorry that Sam, Emma and I shifted. We had no choice and now our secret is out." I reassure her,

"We did too. It was the only way to save Emilia and everyone took the hint from me." Emma nervously cuts in,

"What will we do?" Emilia says,

"Fight like warriors if they choose to kill us because of the prophecy!" I interrupt,

"As much as I admire your tenacity Emilia, I would prefer the option to talk." Sam asks,

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing has changed really. Our mates cannot kill us because it will kill them." Elina agrees,


"We just have to do damage control. Let me speak and stay in wolf form." Emma, alarmed, practically yells through the mind-link,

"But won't we shift back naked in front of our mates!?" I let out a chuckle,

"I have made some discoveries about us white wolves in some books. If we focus about shifting into human form with clothes, we will." Sam exclaims,

"That is so cool!"

"Yeah, I know." I cut off the mind-link as Carson, Alex and Daniel walk back into the clearing. Alex walks over to the unconscious Aiden, Christopher and Jason, waking them up

I turn around to face our mates. Carson's eyes were black in anger, showing that he was fighting for control with his wolf. He said,

"You all have some explaining to do."

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