Chapter 13 - The Move

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Isabella's P.O.V

*One week later*

The past week in the camp has been boring. The warriors do not talk to us anymore. They lonely bring us food and anything we want. I am treated like a queen, but it doesn't matter to me. To keep occupied, I trained my pack ruthlessly. We are white wolves and need to be prepared to fight anyone, including our mates. Thinking about our mates, remind me of our previous conversation. That was a funny one!


A warrior walked up to me and said,

"The Alphas request you presence in their tent." I chuckle, the warrior was paraphrasing their order as a request. I must have really scared them. It was a good day, so I decide to see what my mate and the alphas wanted. When I arrived, they were all there and Carson cleared his throat to speak,

"How did you escape with our mates out of all of our territories?" Finally, I had been wondering when they were going to ask that. I am going to tell them, but it would be nice to see them struggle a bit first. I reply,

"Why should I?" The other Alphas looked surprised at this answer. Honestly, do they know me at all. Carson must have seen this coming because he just sighs and continues,

"It would protect your pack from further attacks or kidnappings. A hole in all of our territories is a really bad thing because humans could discover us too." He made all the points I would have made if I were him. Good!

"Sure. There is no hole in Blood Moon territory security that I have seen because I went around it." I turn to Alex who's territory I would speak of next. "There is a cleverly naturally hidden cave about a mile into Black Man territory where I stayed with once I ran into Elina in the forest. It is easy to seal so you cannot hear or see us. I can reach the cave before your guards come back around, so I was safe. Your guards were rather lax about checking inside the territory too. For you Aiden, Somber Paw territory has a hollow tree. I can access it from the top and slide in. It is so not obvious that a patrol stood in front of it with me inside and did not notice. Also, next time you are kidnapping someone remember that there can be people who can help them escape. If Sam was alone, she would have had no chance but with me there, it was easy. For you Christopher, I hid  in two caves on Shadow Tooth territory which are good spots for me at the time. Like Aiden, you did not count on your omega mate to run away and she could get away from the guards easily. For Bold Fang territory, Jason, you caught me." I paused for dramatic effect when he just looks shocked. Opps! He hadn't realize that I was the poor sniveling omega. Jason finally asks,


"I was the poor sniveling omega." I put on the act. "Please don't hurt me! Yeah, it worked and your guards were so distracted by me that they did not notice the other people in the cave." The others are practically laughing at him. "Finally, Daniel, the Desert Howler territory security is a pit thin on the line with the Forest Growlers territory. I crossed over many times and hell, Miya did it on accident. Those were the really big issues with a couple more small ones that are just useful for me." The Alphas are mad that I am withholding information, but I leave anyway.

That was fun to see them all bothered.

*End of flashback* 

I walk through the camp, looking for water. All the warriors are literally shaking in fear when I come across. I frown. I was not that scary. Why were they acting like I was going to kill them all. I turn to the nearest warrior which happened to be an older and order,

"Come with me!" He follows with no argument. Once we are a distance away, I start asking my questions,

"Why does everyone fear me so much? I did not do anything personal to them." The wolf looks me in the eye and replies,

"Can I be honest, Luna?

"Of course."

"The man that you cut off his arms and his legs was Alpha Alex' best warrior. He had always had the right to the spoils of war. He had assumed that the girl was just that. No one stands up to him and Alpha Alex lets him do anything. First off, you made it across the camp in a second flat. I have never seen a wolf do that before. Second, you hurt him without a second thought. Third, Alpha Alex did nothing. I mean nothing, not even to look. This was the man he had let do anything for five years now. Lastly, the look in your eye was one of someone so mad so far gone that no one was safe but her family. You also had an air of power around you, more powerful than most Lunas have." I thank him for this information politely while I am shaking in anger inside. For five years, a warrior from Alex' pack terrorized people and he did nothing. I was going to kill him! I was headed for his tent when ELina intercepted me and asks,

"What's wrong?" I answer with the complete truth,

"The warrior who tried to aggress Emma was from your mate's pack. Alex had let him get his way with the spoils of war, even the human ones." Elina's eyes widen in disbelief,

"You mean he let them r-rape girls."

"It could have been anyone of us in a different story." At this point, Elina is as mad as I am. We stalk to his tent where the other Alphas are to in the middle of a discussion. They paused as we near the door and I hear Alex say,

"Who's power are we feeling?" I open the door and go straight for Alex. He attempts to defend himself but he cannot harm me. He abandons the fight as I tell him,

"Never mess with a woman this furious." I take my silver knife and start make cuts on his exposed skin. It hurt him so much. I would have continued but any more would hurt Elina too. I get up and he stays on the ground. I growl and announce,

"If any other Alphas present, have any warriors that have had access to the human 'spoils of war' especially the female one should fess up now. I will make sure to kill anyone who does not tell me right now!" The other alphas look at me and then at Alex on the ground. Aiden steps up, he confesses,

"My lead warrior has access to them. He is back at my pack currently." I do a singular slice around his forearms. I was so fast that he did not see it coming. One by one the others confess too and I do the same punishment. Carson does nothing this whole time and when I look at him, he says,

"Usually, there is no left alive to be these 'spoils of war'." I understand that and I say to the others,

"Your guilty warriors should be demoted from whatever lead position they are in. Remember that your mates are loyal to me still!" I stalk out and look for the old warrior who talked to me before. When I find him, he looks sadly at me,

"You are the most dangerous person I have ever met. You threaten the Alphas, you hurt them and they stand to take your beating. Whenever you are present, they are under a spell, but give it a few seconds when you are gone and they do not know why they did it." He walks off with those last words of wisdom. On command, I hear angry yells and howls from the Alphas' tents.

That warrior was right. They took behavior from me that they tolerated from no one else. Strange...

A yell pierces through my thoughts, it is Carson in front of me,

"Isabella!" I hate it when he calls me that but my nickname is for friends only. "The house on neutral territory is secured. We are moving!" 

I look at him, wondering what is going on in his mind. Does he know? He is the only one who is smart enough to figure out our secret. 

What can I do more to protect my pack?

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