Chapter 19 - The Warlock

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This is the cousin's, the warlock, house in the woods. It is nice because he likes his comfort.

Isabella's P.O.V

*Two days later*

We left our refuge about two days ago and have been running towards my cousin ever since. I set a ruthless pace whenever I feel the separation pain lessen. It meant our mates were closing in. At this rate, we would arrive at the warlock's house in an hour. This was good. Our mates could not get into my cousin's territory because they had 'bad intentions' so his spells would keep them out until they found another witch or warlock. 

Suddenly, the pain in my chest decreased. I pressed us faster. We had come so far, not to fail at the last step. Everyone was in good shape, since I had been training them a lot lately. But right now it was not enough. The pain in my chest continued to lessen showing me our mates were approaching. We needed a distraction and I knew what to do. I was in wolf form like the rest of my pack, so that could distract them. I mind-link,

"Keep going! I am going to distract them and try to join you. If I do not, tell my cousin (the warlock) what you need and say it is from me." I cut them off before they could answer. I used my Alpha tone to make sure they would all go. I stopped and turned around to patiently wait for our mates. 

I was not disappointed. Two minutes later, our mates came running into the clearing where I awaited. The sight of me as a white wolf stopped them short. No one moved a muscle for a good five minutes until Carson decided to shift. It took him some time to come back but when he did, he asked,

"Have you taken our mates?" Smart, he is only using yes or no questions so I could answer. I shake my head. "Do you know where they are?" I nod and see him grow angry. "Did you help them escape?" I shake my head again. "Did you find them?" I shake my head. "So they found you?" I nod. That throws him for a loop and I see he is mind-linking with the other Alphas. A little while later, he questions again,

"Are they alright?" I nod yes. "Would they come back with us willingly?" I do not answer, but Carson seems to read another meaning in my wordless response. "Are your friends nearby?" I chose to nod yes. I mean they always are, just not which friends you think. The questioning has lasted about half-hour. Since it is Carson doing the questioning, he does not feel the pain that comes from the separating of the mates. I am right here. Eventually, Elina mind-links me,

"We are in the safe zone. Run!" I know it is time to do as she says run. There was a big chance I could outrun the Alphas thanks to my white wolf speed. So I turn and start sprinting away. It takes them a second to realize what I have done before chasing after me. I run faster. It amazes me how fast I am running. I never truly realized the extent to which my who]ite wolf speed reached. I now understand why the warriors were scared of me. I am currently losing the Alphas at my speed and I went faster than this when Emma was attacked at the camp. It would have freaked me out too if I had thought it out. I get lost in thought until I find myself in the arms of my pack. This meant I was in the safe zone. I took two more steps before shifting and collapsing. I have been collapsing too much recently for my taste. That was my last thought as I closed my eyes to pass into unconsciousness for the second time this week.

*Three hours later*

I opened my eyes to a warm light. I quickly get up, but have to sit back down because of dizziness. I hear,

"Woah, slow down coz!" I smile. It's Andrew's voice, my cousin the warlock. I say warmly,

"Andrew, I would hug you, but it seems I am indisposed currently."

"It's fine."

"How long was I out?"

"Three hours. And I should warn you that the Alphas who chased you here are looking for a witch right now to get my barrier down."

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