Chapter 11 - The Threat and the Agreement

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Isabella's P.O.V

My grin stretches from ear to ear as I see the confused looks on our mates' faces. They are in wolf form and cannot talk back to me. I take advantage of that. I say in a fake happy voice,

"Hurry up and shift! You are already late for our meeting and you brought so many hot warriors. If you take too long, maybe we can find someone else to spend time with." All the girls pretend to flirt with the warriors who are not sure how to react. All of the Alphas growl simultaneously at our flirting and the warriors take a step away from us. My pack and I pretend to pout and I repeat,

"Go shift so we can talk!" They do it unwillingly because they are taking orders from a female which they hate. I smile in glee. 

Our mates finally come out from behind the trees in human form and basketball shorts. I do a double take. Damn, these boys are fine. All the other girl have the same reaction and the alphas smirk.  Mind-linking to my pack, I tell them it is time to take off our jackets to reveal our new clothing. We do just that and see how our mates eyes fill with lust at the site of us, there is jealousy too looking at the warriors. Eventually, Carson orders,

"Go wait farther back warriors when we have a talk with our mates." They start to come forward and I warn,

"No, no. You can talk perfectly fine from there." As a test, all of them take another step forward and my pack takes our silver knives out. The Alphas hold up their hands in protest, taking a step back.  Alex, Elina's mate, complains,

"You are coming with us anyways rogues. There is no need to struggle." I smile sweetly at him and Elina answers,

"What makes you think that, mate?" They all look at us shocked until they realize the meaning of her words. Our mates suddenly rush forwards to force us to come for sure. That was an expected reaction. I yell the signal,

"Now!" We bring our silver knives to our throats. The Alphas freeze, again shocked. I proclame,

"Take on more step and we will slit our own throats." A growl erupts from their chests. I continue, "An Alpha cannot survive with their mate. We die, you die. A rejection will kill us both slowly anyway. Now, back up!" No one moves, and I apply more pressure to my throat with the knife, a bead of blood can be seen. Everyone follows my example. The Alphas back up so fast it was funny. I add one more statement at of spite, "We are not rogue Lunas, you know. As our mates, it would be awful for us to be rogues for the Alpha. We are more like renegades, renegade Lunas is a much more fitting term." It felt good to insult these assholes who have ruined our lives. But back to business, I look at them all serious like and say,

"Now, will you listen?" They all nod. "I am the alpha of our small pack here. Elina is my beta. Sam is my third in command, Emma is our omega, her choice. Emilia is our warrior and tracker while Miya is our healer and doctor. We have a proposition to make. You want us and you will never stop looking for us. So we have agreed to come with you on several conditions. One, at first, we will stay in a house on neutral territory while we learn how to be a Luna. Two, you will have to resist marking and mating with us until we want to. One of you makes the wrong move, and the others will die. Three, you will take us on dates and try to make us choose to come with you. We will go with you in a year maximum. Everyone can leave when they want. Fourth, our families are not bargaining chips. We get to meet with them in this house. I will attend all of the dates in the background discreetly to make sure nothing happens. I am the alpha of this pack however small and I will protect them." A dry chuckle escapes Carson's lips and I ask,

"What's funny?" He answers,

"You are possibly the only person in the world to stand in front of us-" gesturing to the Alphas "-demanding things and not dying of fear. Even your pack would be afraid if you were not here." I ignore his statement, looking at the others instead. Their emotions are plain on their face as if the war within themselves is too much to even try to hide. There is fear of losing us, plain old lust, jealousy of others, and anger at being told what to do by a female. At this point, I am not sure what will win, so I add something to sweeten the deal,

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