Chapter 8

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It was raining as usual; I was staring at the window. The lightening making me close my eyes at the intensity followed by the rumbling of the thunder.

I was terribly bored, the driver wasn’t around so I couldn’t even go out then again it was raining, I was stuck inside. I groaned flopping down on the couch for the hundredth time.

My mind drifted to last night…

H- Hello its Hamza… How are you?

I was shocked… I mean yes I had told Farida she could give him my number. I thought he was going to be one of those guys who would wait forever before chatting you up just to keep you in suspense.

I had stared at the message not knowing how to reply before shaking my head.

Come on Najma.

- Hey… I’m good.
  How are you?

H- I’m great.
     How was your day?

He replied immediately and I raised an eyebrow, wow… most of them wouldn’t reply immediately.


- It was good; I spent it with my mum.
   What about you?

And that was how the conversation went, we chatted for a while before I wished him good night ending the chat.

A rumble of thunder had me sitting up I hate thunder. I frowned at the weather before unlocking my phone to check my Twitter. I couldn’t remember the last time I used the app. I tapped on it and scrolled through my feed.

A tweet caught my attention, it was Ihsan blasting men. She was a certified member of the Men are Scum Twitter association. I rolled my eyes at some of the replies she got.

Don’t be so hypocritical. We have them in our family. Farida had replied her.

Trust me, if I could disown them I would. Ihsan tweeted back.

Too bad you are stuck with us. Suls replied.

I noticed Khalifa had liked his reply. I snorted before scrolling down to check other tweets.

I heard the door bell ringing
Who could be here in this rain?

I made my way downstairs and unlocked the door to see a man standing there with a box.

“Najma?” he asked. I eyed him suspiciously.

“Who wants to know?”

“I was sent to give you this” he explained gesturing to the box branded with the XO bakery insignia. I could feel my taste buds dancing in joy.

“Who sent it?” I asked

“Someone who is extremely sorry”

I eyed him again before taking the box carefully. I peeped into the box and nodded when I saw it was pastries inside not a bomb.

“Have a good day” the man said walking away.

I walked to the table in the foyer and opened the box. I noticed a piece of paper glued to the inside of the box. I turned it over

I hate it when we fight. I’m sorry for being an ass and I miss talking to you.

I smiled at the note before picking up my phone about to text him when he called.

“Hello” I said smiling

“Hey” he replied “How are you”

“I’m okay” I murmured playing with the edge of the note.

“Soooo… any delivery?” He asked casually.

“Delivery?” I asked biting my lip.


“I didn’t get any delivery” I lied smiling.

“What?! You’re joking right?” he asked sounding panicked.

“What are you talking about Khalifa?” I pulled the phone from my mouth to laugh.

“I… never mind, I’ll just make ano…”

“Chill Khalifa, I got the pastries” I cut him off laughing.

The line went silent before he sighed.

“I swear Najma; you’re going to be death of me one of these days” I laughed harder.

“Were you seriously going to make another order?” I asked.

“Yeah, even if I had to make ten orders just for it to get to you I would have.” He replied.

Oh wow

I cleared my throat.
“Uhm... well… thanks for the pastries”

“It’s nothing…. I really am sorry”

“It’s in the past”

“Cool. I’ll see you around?”

“Yeah… bye”


He ended the call and I looked at my screen smiling before taking the box with me.



Awwwnnnn Khalifa boo... I guess he has his good days. What do you guys think?


Hugs and kisses 💕💕

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