Chapter 18

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It was finally the day of the Lagos Youth Fashion Show; I was seated on a chair at the makeup station playing with my nails. To say I was nervous was an understatement, I was terrified. I let out a shaky breath as the makeup artist returned with the mascara.

“Damnnn cousin, you look good” I peeked through an eye to see Suls grinning at me.

Oh now you have my time

I ignored him and he frowned before walking away, the makeup artist sprayed the spray on my face and moved back.

“All done. You look good.” She complimented. I smiled murmuring a thank you before I stood up walking around looking for Farida.

I stumbled onto a photo shoot, it was Ummaymah, and Khalifa had a camera in his hands and was taking pictures of her. She laughed when he came closer, wrapping an arm around her and turning the camera on them and taking the picture, he leaned in closer and was about to kiss her when our eyes met. Recognition sparked in his.

“Do you mind? This is a private photo shoot” he said coldly. I swallowed mumbling a sorry before rushing out. I didn’t want to do this anymore, I wanted to go home.

I bumped into someone and looked up to see Abba. He looked down at me frowning when he saw the tears in my eyes. His gaze went to the direction I had left before he looked back at me, sadness swirling in his eyes.

“Don’t” I choked out seeing as he was about to say something. “I am trying so hard to keep my shit together right now. Don’t say anything. Please” I begged before rushing away from him. I ran to the toilet and locked the door, trying hard to stop the tears from escaping.

I had no idea how long I sat on the floor staring at the grey walls till my phone rang.

Farida Calling


I scrambled off the floor and out of the bathroom to her station. Hamza was already dressed in a light blue Kaftan that made him look like a million bucks.

“Where were you?” Farida asked frantically.

“Sorry, I lost track of time.” I apologized. She sighed before grabbing a gown from the rack and pushing me towards the changing stall. I got changed into the purple gown, feeling the fur on the neckline. The gown had this luxurious feel to it.

“You look amazing” Hamza whispered

“Thank you. I am so nervous” I whispered back

“Don’t be. You’ll do great.” He encouraged. I smiled at him and waited with him and the other two models. A man holding an ipad came over and told Farida that her team was next. We walked over to the entrance of the runway.

After the last the designer came out and was applauded, we were given the green light and I watched as the first model went out, she came back soon and went in for a wardrobe change.

Farida had practiced that with Hamza and I, we had to be fast. The next model went out and then it was my turn, cold sweats seemed to run down my back, my hands were fisting the material of the gown.

“Hey… you’ll be alright” Hamza said squeezing my hand, I gulped nodding and I walked out, the lights almost blinding my vision. I made no eye contact, a neutral look on my face.

You can do this

Just keep calm

They are only people

“You did good” Farida squealed hugging me, I frowned realizing I was already back, I sighed in relief and went to change into my next outfit.

A few minutes later we were done and I went back to the changing room to change. I was putting on the earrings when someone bumped into my shoulder hard.

“Excus… oh it’s just you” Ummaymah said looking me over hissing before walking off. I glared at the back of her head. 


I exited the backstage and took a seat as the next designer’s collection started. I spied some famous faces in the crowd; I guess this fashion show really was a big deal.

Halfway through I got bored and decided to head backstage, I showed the security my id and he stood aside for me to pass.

“Khalifa’s collection is coming up” a voice said, curiosity got the best of me and I walked over to where the models dressed in his clothes were. I knew he was talented but what I saw was New York Fashion Week worthy.

A lot of fur, fringes and class. I noticed one of the models was struggling with the zip of her gown.

“Here let me help” I offered. She frowned at me before turning around for me to zip it up. I noticed the zip was stuck and tried to free it of the string.

A loud and deafening rip was heard and all eyes turned to me.

Oh no

I stared at the torn, completely destroyed piece of clothing in front of me. The model turned to me fuming

“What the hell did you do?” she screamed at me.

“I... I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. It was a mistake” I stammered “I’m sure we can fix thi…”

“Don’t touch me!!!” she screamed again.

“Only you will cause this much destruction” Ummaymah’s voice snapped from behind me. I turned, glaring at her.

“I wasn’t talking to you” I retorted.
She rolled her eyes and stepped closer to me.

“You know what I just realized… you are an attention seeker, a desperate one at that. I mean, destroying one of his designs just to get his attention? This has to be a new low even for you”

“I didn’t do this on purpose” I growled. “I would never do this.”

“Well the evidence in front of us proves otherwise” she replied as the crowd got bigger. I spied Farida and Hamza watching the whole spectacle.

“This doesn’t prove anything. I am not trying to get his attention Ummaymah, that’s usually your job”

Her eyes hardened and I could tell that one got to her.

“Well then if you aren’t trying to get his attention then this must be your way of getting back at him.”

“You are delusion…”

“Come on Najma, you’re mad at him, everybody knows this since Abba’s party so this was your way of making him pay” she cut me off smirking.

“Not everybody is a sneaky bi…”

“What’s going on here?” Khalifa interrupted walking in.

I opened my mouth to explain when his eyes zeroed in on the ripped gown, his eyes widened before they moved to me.

“Najma over here decided to help you modify one of your designs” Ummaymah answered. I watched Khalifa walk out, I chased after him.

“Khalifa. Khalifa!!!” I yelled catching up to him in an empty room; it was the photo shoot room.

“Khalifa, it was a mis…”

“What do you want from me?” he asked.


“What the fuck do you want from me Najma?!!!” he shouted turning to me.

“My life was the best till you came along and I fell for you, I fucking fell in love with you. I want… hell I need you in my life. I tried telling you, I tried showing you for years but all I am to you is the playboy who doesn’t deserve a chance and now this.” He trailed off letting out a humorless chuckle.

“This collection was supposed to be my best, you know why? It was inspired by you but I guess I can’t have anything remotely relating to you. You won’t let me.” He stared at me, his eyes were a kaleidoscope of emotions one second, and the next second they had hardened.

“Well, I’m done. I’m done chasing after you. I want nothing to do with you anymore Najma. You are dead to me Najma Barde. Consider this the freedom you so crave from my bothersome behavior.” He finished and walked past me.

I snapped out of the daze I was in and grabbed hold of his hand.

“Khalifa please” I pleaded.

“Have a great life Najma” he whispered pulling his hand out of his and walking out of the room and my life.

What have I done?




Poor Najma😭😭😭😭.

What do you guys think?

Did Khalifa overreact?

What about Ummaymah?

Let me know in the comment section.


Hugs and kisses💕💕

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