2. New🦋

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We drove to the ferry service and took a ferry for two hours. It was around lunch time so we decided to eat something from the ferry cafeteria. I bought beef lasagne, peas but without chips and took a seat beside my brother. I don't like chips. Mom and dad took their seats in the front row to enjoy the view.

I looked at Arthur. He was chewing his garlic bread with a completely relaxed expression. He chose chicken tikka, garlic bread and peas. He had iced coffee for the drink. I preferred juice. Because of his enormous big build every so often people naturally thought of him as my older brother and sometimes my boyfriend(yes, I know, eww.).

"Hey, how come you are so calm?" I asked him curiously.

"What do you want me to do then?" He asked back .

"I don't know, maybe feel a little sad or down," I shrugged my shoulders.

"And why should I do that when I am not feeling down?" He rolled his eyes.

"We are leaving our hometown and you aren't feeling anything?" I crossed my hands over my chest and leaned back at my back rest. "You are so cold!"

He put down his bread on the plate and chuckled at me.

"You have no idea how happy I am. I am done dating those silly small town girls. Now I want some city girls." he crossed his arms behind his head and leaned back in his headrest with a dreamy look in his eyes, "like Ema Watson."

"Hey, what do you mean silly small town girl." I protested strongly. "I am also from that town you know!"

"You are the silliest person among all of them." He smirked mockingly and stabbed a tikka with a fork.

"Shut up you buffalo." I glared at him.

It took almost seven hours to reach our new home. "New home", well.... that sounded so new. Our house was located around the area of Wellington arch. It was a little bit more crowded than our old town. It was not like I was uncomfortable with the crowd, it was just that I was not used to it.

We hefted our heavy boxes from the boot and headed into the house. That house was not as big as our home at Isle of Wight, but it was enough for us.

We finally finished unloading the boxes and put them inside the house. I was tired as hell. Just show me my room so I can lay down and wouldn't get up for a hundred years. Mom turned to us cheerfully.

"There is a rooftop room, which is for Liza. And there are two double bedrooms upstairs. One is for me and your dad, and the other one is for guests..."

"And, where is my room?" Arthur impatiently interrupted her.

Mom sourly looked at him and sighed with annoyance.

"Let me finish!" She raised her brows at him. "That's your room." she pointed to a room which is just beside the kitchen.

"What? No, I want the rooftop room. I need some privacy." Arthur yelled angrily.

"Shut up, stop yelling," Mom yelled back at him, much louder.

"Liza is older than you. She needs more privacy than you. Be grateful we are offering you a room and if you don't like the room you are very welcome to sleep on the couch." She shrugged while putting her hands on her waist. "You choose."

"Umm, mom I am fine with switching rooms with him," I spoke up to stop their petty fight. I would move out soon, so I was fine with any room.

"No." Mom instantly waved off my suggestion, "My decision is final." She turned to Arthur.

"Listen, Arthur, Liza is older than you. She has the first right to gain that room. Do you understand me?" She softened her voice a little. "And she will move out soon. So bear with it until then."

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