21. Right thing to do🦋

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It had been three days since my dad's birthday party. I didn't know why, but I had a feeling that Ron had something in his mind, for me. I was not certain, but I couldn't shake off that feeling. He didn't tell me anything, directly. But I could sense that with my natural instinct. I read somewhere that all women have a sixth sense. It was possible that my sixth sense was forewarning me that I should eschew Ron or anything which could any way lead me to him and I was doing that. Because I didn't want to cause any terrible misunderstanding which could cause me to lose my precious friendship with Rose and Oli.

Again Ron came to drop Oli for college like he did many of the other times.

I didn't comprehend how he could provide so much free time, When he was actually taking over a damn emperor.

When I saw their familiar car and spotted Ron, I immediately just turned around and rushed hastily from there. I went to the bathroom and shut myself in a cubicle until my class started.

"Where did you run off?" Rose inquired me when I sat beside her later in the class. Oli looked up from her open botany book at me.

"I was really in a hurry to use the bathroom." I said casually as I lazily opened my brown backpack and took out my notebook.

"Is your tummy upset?" Oli frowned at me with a puzzling look as she closed her book after placing a pen between the pages.

"Nah." I winked at them slyly. "I just couldn't control my pee."

"You are really weird." Rose huffed and glared at me with fake anger. "You made me worried."

I smiled thinly at her. I couldn't imagine how she would react if I revealed my thoughts about Ron to her. She would probably end up despising me.

I really treasured them and their friendship. I gently placed both of my both palms on her cheeks and pinched her cheeks lightly.

"Ouch!" She winced a little. She angrily slapped my hands away and caressed her cheeks. "What was that for?"

"Just because." I opened my dog ear notebook and took out a pen from her backpack.

"You..." Rose started to rant my ear off, which I was letting go through from one ear to another.

"How is your Chemistry project going?" Oli asked me as she checked her social media on her mobile. "Mine is stuck with mass spectrometry."

"Yeah." Rose folded her pretty arms on the desk and rested her head comfortably on them.

"Me too." She whined a little. "I hate chemistry."

"Well, well, well." I gave them a cheeky smile. "I am kinda lucky about this matter."

"You look creepy." Oli frowned at me.

"What is it?" Rose asked me uninterestedly as she closed her eyes. "Stop acting more weird than you already are."

"Brant is going to help me with the project." I tidied my rebellious hair with my fingers and used a pencil to transform them into a top bun. "I am going to his apartment this Sunday, and we will spend the whole day together." I batted my eyelashes dramatically. "Oh my!"

Brant moved out from his parents home just after entering college. His duplex apartment was near Golden Square.

My savings were ready, so I was. I would move out after Christmas. I already chose three options for apartments. I planned to tell my parents about it at Christmas. And also I will ask them to help me make the final decision on those three options. My parents were willing to support me financially, but I declined their help. They already supported me buying the car, but those two were completely separate matters. I wanted to live wholly independent without anyone's help.

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