5. Dreamcatcher🦋

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We talked a little bit more then, Ron excused himself when Lucy asked him to attend some important guest. He was the main attraction of that party. Of course, everyone wanted to have a time with him.

"So, what do you think?" Rose raised her brows at me. Her eyes were gleaming with utter happiness. I chuckled a little.

"Good choice." I winked and gave her two thumbs up.

"Thanks." She flipped her hair as her lips quivered into a smile.

"I'll be right back." Oli got up from her sitting position when she saw some familiar face. She signalled someone with her finger and a suited bodyguard looking person immediately appeared in front of us. "They are my important friends. Try to pay special attention to them." She said that man with her natural queen attitude.

"Oh, thank you mam." I batted my eyelashes at her teasingly. "I feel so honoured." I bowed a little to her.

Oli rolled her eyes and waved me a middle finger. She disappeared into the crowd.

"Let's get some drinks." Rose suggested with a good-mood and I nodded my head. We made our ways to the drink counter and ordered some wine. That man didn't follow us but his eyes glued with us.

"There's a chocolate fountain!" I said excitedly. "Wait here for me. I will get some for us."

"Okay." Rose started to sip on her wine.

When I was returning with some fruits and marshmallows dipped in chocolate, I saw Ron was standing with some celebrity looking people. But what my attention caught was a blonde in a booby dress. She was talking less and touching him more. I blinked a few times to digest the situation. I hurried back to Rose.

I spotted Rose at the bar counter sipping her second glass of wine. Oli was yet to arrive. I held her arm and stared into her eyes.

"Rose you have to tell Ron about your feelings," Rose choked on her wine, "tonight." I completed my sentence.

"Why? What happened?" Rose asked me between gulping air through her mouth like a fish.

"Are you stupid?! He is handsome, rich and currently single. Of Course you are not the only girl who wants him. And I just saw him with a beautiful blonde in a booby dress, so you better hurry up and make your move as soon as possible before someone snatch him. Do you understand me?!" When I finished I took a deep breath.

"But....but I'm not ready yet," Rose shuttered in nervousness. "We just met after such a long time."

"You just have to ask him out. It's so simple." As if I was a medallist of confessing.

"And what if he rejects me?"

"Rose, you have to take the chance, before someone else does that."

"Ok, give me some moments." She wiped some sweat with tissue from her forehead.

Honestly, I was also feeling a little anxious for her.

"Where can I find Oli?" I tiptoed while looking around over guests' heads. "I have a plan."

"I think she is with her aunt," She answered me while checking her makeup, using her phone screen.

"Wait here," I told her. "I will bring her here. Then I will discuss my plan about your confession."

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