25. Red Wine🦋

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"What the fuck do you mean, you forgot about Liza!" Oli screamed madly at Ron.

"Sorry, she just slipped out of my mind." Ron guiltily scratched the non-scratchy backside of his head.

"Of course she did!" Oli scoffed irately. "Your mind is now full with your girlfriend." She looked scary.

"Oh my." Rose giggled shyly. Oli looked at us angrily. I promptly pointed at Rose. "She giggled, not me."

Rose gulped hard.

"Ok, now don't waste our time and quickly arrange a ticket for Liza." Oli crossed her hands over her chest.

"I am afraid we can't arrange anything right now," Jass spoke up.

"It's now the festive season and Edinburgh's tourist attraction for Christmas time is high. So, it's impossible to arrange a ticket for her. But as for the hotel..."

"It's ok, Jass," Ron interrupted her. "Can you give us a moment, please? Ron asked her politely.

"Of course, Mr Ryan," She also smiled back politely. "Please, take your time, but please, keep it in your mind, we don't have much time for the take-off."

She nodded her head and walked towards the car.

Ron turned to us. "Well..."

"Just cancel everything." Oli cut him with a super cold tone.


We all looked at Oli with a shocked expression. She looked super angry. Ron's face instantly fell. He looked at us helplessly and then looked down at his foot.

"Are you sure?" He asked Oli with a sad tone. I couldn't bear the dejected look on his face.

"Yes." Oli made her decision with a firm tone.

He looked up and smiled sadly. "Fine." He sighed mournfully and mumbled slowly.

Okay, I couldn't take that anymore. Ron looked so miserable right at that moment.

"Ron." I called out. Ron looked up at me. "Can you give us a moment, please?"

"For what?" Oli asked me flatly.

"Shut up!" I answered her while still looking at Ron. Ron nodded his head and left us alone.

"What was that?" I sighed as I looked at Oli.

"What was what?" Oli looked confused.

"Oli." I kicked a pebble, near my foot. "You guys are going."

"Where?" Rose squinted her eyes.

"Look," I tried my hardest to explain to her, "Ron arranged these all just for YOU. This gift is specially for YOU. He tagged us with you because he thought YOU would feel lonely on this whole trip. Now, if you cancel everything just for me, I will feel guilty for my entire life."

"Liza, what are you....", Oli opened her mouth, but I held her hand quickly.

"Just look at him." Oli looked at Ron, who was looking in our direction with knotted brows and a tensed face. When our eyes met, he smiled thinly.

"Please, don't break his heart, just after Christmas." I pleaded with her.

"There's no way we will go without you," Rose said between us.

"She is right." Oli agreed with Rose. "We just can't leave you here alone and enjoy ourselves there," She said with disbelief.

"We made so many plans together, now you want us to ditch you here alone! No way!" Rose stated firmly.

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