42. Emerald🦋

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It had been two weeks since I started to live there, Ron's Penthouse. And I was still struggling to fit in with the penthouse...with that luxurious life. I had no shame to admit that I was having a lot of difficulties adjusting with everything. But thanks to Stacy, I somehow managed...alright, I guessed. In return I sometimes help her with house chores. She was very opposed though with my help. But I was bored and felt very guilty to sit comfortably while she was working her ass off in front of me.

"That's right." Ron put down his coffee cup and put his right hand inside his left chest pocket of his dark blue suit. We were having our breakfast at that massive dining table. Somehow we could always eat our breakfast together. Ron casually placed a black coloured, looked like a credit card, in front of me. "You should keep this card with you. Use it when you need money."

I looked back and forth between that black card and him for a few moments.

"Umm, thanks." I pushed the card back to him gently. "But I had a few savings and I think I will be ok." I didn't have a chance to use my plentiful savings...for moving out. A heavy sigh came out from the inside of my heart. Damn, I just recalled something I shouldn't.

My granddad left enough money for me and Mike's college expenses. Ron eagerly tried to get me rid of my old car and offered a new one. But I refused his offer immediately. It was my baby, no matter what. And I always find my car with full gas. So, basically, I had nowhere to use the money.

Ron gently pushed the card again to me. "Ok, you don't have to use it. Just keep it for possible emergencies."

I sighed defeated. "Ok. But I won't use it."

"Okay." Ron held up his hands in surrender mode.

"There's another thing." He picked up his coffee cup. "This weekend mom is holding a little party for dad's birthday."

"Your dad's birthday this weekend!" I asked him excitedly.

"Yes." He smiled gaily. "And mom asked me to invite your parents." He looked at me. "Will be they free this weekend? I hope they won't mind me if I ask them." He asked me thoughtfully.

"Of course not." I told him promptly. "But, It's ok. I will talk to them." It had been a while since I met them.

But right that moment, my focus was, what was I going to wear at the party? Should I wear my old wedding dress? Just kidding.

"I guess I have to buy a new dress for the party." I murmured with knotted brows as I sipped my juice.

"Well," Ron cleared his throat, "Before that, You should probably check out our joint wardrobe in the master bedroom."

"Huh?" I was completely clueless.

"You see, as my mom is a very big fan of those fairy tale stories, she always wanted a cute princess for herself. She really likes to buy and organise those frilly gowns and glittery shoes. Before, she got Oil to fulfil her fairy tale desires." Ron got up from his seat slowly and took his mobile. "Now she got you too." He smirked at me slyly and about to leave. He paused in the front of the elevator. "Try to pick up something green." He tapped on his tie to make me focus on it. "Because I am going to wear a green one."

I smiled in disbelief.


"Are you sure about this?" mom asked me unsure as we stepped out of my car. Ian held the car door for us. I brought mom to buy her a dress for that grand party. She needed something elegant. Dad already had a few expensive suits because he had to attend many high-class meetings with clients. And luckily Arthur also got a few at my wedding.

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