50. The Broken Photoframe 🦋

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(Don't forget to hear the song👆)

I picked up that brown file with a trembling hand. There were few more files underneath that file. I peeked a little at them. I decided to check them later. I brought my attention back to that file on my hand. I fearfully opened the file and started to read.

The first page only had something in the middle of the page that looked like a logo. I opened the second page which only had a few words.

Case No. #3PPHJLDB008

Client Name: Mr. Ronald Ryan.

Target Name: Miss Mona Lisa Davies.

Request Date: 25.06.2019

My heart uncontrollably started to pound loudly in my rib-cage. What were these all about?!



My eyes were kinda burning, and I didn't know why. I opened the next page.

Target Name: Mona Lisa Davies

(Basic information)

Date of birth: 12.06.2000

Blood group: O+

Height: ...

I stared blankly at the rest of the information on the page. My head was swimming and I was so confused.

There was all the information about me. All about me. I went to the next page. The next page has many photocopies of mine. In those photos I was driving my car, making dinner in our kitchen while talking with my mom, talking with Rose and Oli cheerfully, Kissing Brant, taking notes in class, working on my part.....

I looked at those other files. I picked up the other one. That one had my dad's name on it, and the next one was my mother's name and the next one had Aurther's name. I looked at the last file. It had Brant's name on it.

And that date. It was just two or three days before I bought my car. I marked that memorable date in my calendar. I released a long shaky breath which I was holding very long.

It was clear that someone was watching my every move very carefully without my realisation. Suddenly I remembered my wedding day. That day when David met Ron for the first time, Ron already knew everything about him. Because he spied on David.

Did he spy on me?

But why did he spy on my family too?

And why did he spy on Brant?

Then I just remembered something. Brant's friendly neighbour.


Why was he moved in that building when I just started dating Brant? And why did he move out right after we broke up?

Are these only a mere coincidence...or...

I might have a stupid heart, but my brain gradually understood what was all that about. And whoever he hired for that job, they were hella good about their job. They didn't miss any single detail about me. I like, dislike everything.

Like, I only drink juice instead of coffee. Like, I hate any type of reptile. Like, I had a lifelong dream to have my wedding reception in Leeds castle. Like,...

I painfully swallowed the lump in my throat and stared at the ceiling. So, Ron already knew everything about me beforehand. And there, silly my inner self, always felt amazed about the fact that he understood me very well.

I slowly turned my attention to the other things in that drawer.

I picked up the blackberry and noticed it was switched off. I tried vainly to open it, but couldn't. I thought out a little and attached it with the charger which was already plugged in the socket. When it started charging I opened and looked into it. It wasn't locked. There were only two contacts. One of mine and one of Brant. I felt my heart stop beating.

The Broken Photoframe - A Dark Billionaire RomanceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ