49. Missing Pieces 🦋

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"When I was at my grandpa's I got a phone call." He interlocked his fingers tightly and looked down at his plate. "That person, who called, said that you two were dating each other a long time before you met me." He looked up at me. "At first I didn't believe it, but then that person sent me some photos of you two," he paused a little with a little expression on his face, "kissing and making out. And also many times I saw you two together in front of our college, at your dad's birthday party. " He released a shaky breath reluctantly. "And I just lost it. And then You also admitted that those pictures were real, not false."

That whole time I was frozen on my seat. Those people didn't even spare Brant. They used him too. That was so upsetting, so unforgivable, so disappointing, so....

I didn't even know what to think anymore. I felt angry, no actually I was beyond anger.

"I am so sorry." I said with a tired tone as I massaged my temple hard. "They dragged you too into this."

"Who?" He croaked. "What are you saying?"

I lightly scratched the polished top of the table with my nails as I told him everything. The rivalry thing. Their plan to taint Ron's perfect image by creating that scandal, those crazy photographs, everything. And the whole time Brant was stunned on his seat, surprised, shocked and.... angry.

"They were just trying to create some dirty scandals against Ron." I looked outside from the cafeteria window, to our college garden. "They just needed someone to use with him for the scandal." I looked back at him and smiled bitterly. "And unfortunately they chose me." I let go a deep mournful breath.

"Arghh, fuckkkkk!!" He groaned loudly with vexation. "What I had done!" He whispered again with a broken voice. "What I had done!" He looked up at me. His face looked like he was going to cry . "I am so sorry, Liza. I am so sorry. I..I shouldn't believe in that person's words. I should have come to you first before anything." His eyes were glistening with pure guilt. "I left you when you needed me most. I was such a failure as a boyfriend."

I would be the happiest girl, if he told me those lines just a few months ago. But right at that moment those kind words felt so empty....so meaningless and kinda irritating. Those lines were actually making me remember those depressed moments, those scars, those nightmares, those....

"It's fine," I told him curtly, to shut him up.

"No! It's not fine!" But he was kinda persistent. "Not fine at all." His frustration suddenly changed into worry. "But why did you marry him? If you guys don't love each other, why did you two get married?"

I stared at him for a few moments. I didn't need to prove myself to him. But he should know what unfortunate things happened to me when he decided to turn his back to me when I actually needed him most.

"Because of all of those rumours not only me but my family also get affected." I started talking with a dry tone. "Ron said only marriage could save us both from that situation. So, I had no other choice but to marry him."

"So, that means you are only staying with him because of that scandal." I didn't know why, but he kinda sounded...relief. "You don't love him, right?"

I sighed. "It was kinda complicated at first." I leaned a little to the table and interlocked my fingers. "But, now..." I hesitate a little to answer him.

"You love him." Brant whispered as his shoulders slumped a little.

"Yes." I looked up and told him firmly. "Now, I love him. I really do, sorry."

Brant closed his eyes wearily.

We both fell silent again. Brant opened his eyes and looked into my eyes. "If you are happy then," he tried to give me a genuine smile, but failed, "good for you."

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