33. Thump🦋

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Ron paused for a while. "Sure, I am coming over."

"No, don't." I peeked a little from the window. I couldn't see anyone, but I was sure, those damn reporters were hiding somewhere near my house, waiting eagerly for some juicy photographs. "I am coming over. Just tell me where to meet."

"Right now, I am at my office," Ron said. "Can you come here?"

"Fine, I am coming." I instantly cursed under my breath when I remembered that my car was still parked at my old workplace. "Shit, I should've retrieved my car, now I have to take a cab."

"Don't worry." I forgot Ron was still on the other side of the phone. "I am sending a car with my man. He will pick you up."

"Alright." I agreed solemnly. "Send the car to the back door of my house."

I heated some ready-made food in the microwave and gave it to Arthur. I told him I was going out for a walk. To intake some fresh air. He naturally wanted to come with me, but I stopped him.

It was my turn to do some proper duty.

I closed the back yard gate silently and promptly pulled the hoodie over my head. The familiar silver jaguar was waiting for me. A person came out of the car and walked towards me cautiously. I easily recognised the person. He was from the other night, with Ron while they helped me from those bastards.

"Miss Davies." He told me politely as he gently opened the door for me.

"Thanks." I murmured quietly as I got in the passenger seat.

The ride was quiet and almost took fifteen minutes to reach our destination. That person quickly climbed out of the car and opened the door for me. I smiled at him thinly. He smiled back at me politely.

The blonde receptionist was staring at me stark. I looked at her with my peripheral vision.


When the elevator door opened, I saw that Ron was waiting impatiently for me at the elevator door.

"Liza." He smiled warmly and released a relieved sigh. He looked at my companion thoughtfully. "You wait here." The buzz-cut nodded his head understandingly and seized his guard position. Ron led me. "Please come this way."

We entered his office room. That familiar room looked so different at night. I took a seat in front of his desk. He went to his land phone gracefully.

"One fresh tropical mixed juice, please." Ron put down the receiver after requesting the juice. He looked at me wonderingly and smiled nervously. "So..."

"Let's get straight to the point, without hitting around the bush," I cut him off sternly. "Shall we?"

Ron sighed and nodded his head.

"I want to accept your offer." I looked straight at him. "About the marriage."

Ron straightened up on his seat and blinked several times.

"Liza, are you sure?" He whispered as he gripped the table corner so hard that his hard knuckles turned white.

I closed my eyes and mom's sad face, dad's crying face and Arthur's beaten up face displayed in front of my vision. I opened my eyes and looked at Ron.

"Yes." I released a shaky breath as I gave him my answer resignedly.

Ron released a relieved smile, "Let me call over Jess, she will...."

"But," I stopped him abruptly, "can you assure me that everything will work out after this marriage."

"Yes," Ron told me firmly, "you can have my word."

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