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"So tell us a little about yourself?" Adrianne says, after Queen leaves to head back to work.

"Not much to tell. I just got home from overseas, staying with my dad for a little bit until I can find a place and move out. I have a boyfriend that's in Germany but I think we're going to end up breaking up sooner or later because of the distance and some of his behavior lately"

"Damn girl" Leslie shakes her head "I think you should just get rid of the pendejo"

"Of course you do, Les" Aria laughs, "You would suggest that"

"You're not exactly the best dating advice person in the world" Adrianne laughs

"Look here, I do my best" Leslie throws her hands in the air in exasperation.

They're pretty interesting to watch and observe. They pick on each other lightly and seem to know each other well enough.

"So what is the story on you guys?" I ask, wanting to get to know them a little more.

"We've known each other since middle school" Aria explains "Leslie was a grade under us all but we clicked pretty well together after she got us all involved in a fight and detention"

Hearing this makes my eyebrows raise at how such beautiful females could honestly start a fight with anyone.

"Leslie and her mouth got us into that one" Adrianne rolls her eyes, "Had to go smarting off to a girl in our class that she knew could kick her culo"

"I said it then and I stand by it now, the girl took my shit and she wasn't going to get away with stealing it from me" Leslie leans back in her chair.

"Thats the story she's sticking too, after almost having her ass beat" Aria laughs "I moved away to Florida because of my dad's job and returned my sophomore year of high school where I met back up with these misfits"

"Queen and her sister Simone, at the time, had basically brought us all back together again after falling apart a little after Aria left us" Adrianne adds in


"Twins" Leslie shrugs "They're identical for the most part but they are so different in personality and everything else"

So Queen has a twin sister... huh... I guess I will meet her somewhere along the road.

"Basically they're two different people born on the same day to the same mother and father" Adrianne adds in

"Queen is quiet and to herself whereas Simone is more outgoing" Leslie explains "You'll meet her eventually"

"She's hard to miss" Aria adds in, standing up "I have to go back. I have an appointment with a designer in 30"

"I have to get back to work too" Leslie stands up as well.

"Adios!" Adrianne stands up as well

"See you guys later" I wave them off, staying in my chair to finish my sandwich and drink.

Dinner with my dad is pretty bleak, we awkwardly try to find things to talk about between talking to the server and taking sips of wine. I honestly feel a little relieved when Queen texts me about binge watching Charmed tonight.

"Is that, what's his name?, Chauncey?" My dad asks, taking a bite of his pasta.

"No, a friend I met at a bar" I shake my head, not really wanting to give him her name because she works for him.

"That doesn't sound sketchy at all" He looks at me, puzzled

"Female friend I met at a bar" I rephrase my first statement.

"Oh, nice to see you're making friends" He takes another sip of his wine.

-your place or mine?- Queen


"Speaking of which, I won't be home until late tonight" I put my phone down, not wanting to be on it the whole time I'm with my dad

"Oh? Where will you be?" He looks like he's about to lecture me about stranger-danger but I stop him with my reply

"Dad, I love you but I am 23 now." I look at him, daring him to say something more on it, "I can handle myself"

"Okay" He nods, taking another bite of his pasta.

Queen sends her address to me and I am almost half relieved that she does, I love my dad but I cannot take these awkward conversations with him like this. I finish my pasta then excuse myself to leave, kissing him on the forehead before I go.

"I love you"

"I love you too" He replies with a small smile.

"Hey" I smile when Queen opens the door. She looks comfortable in grey sweatpants and a white tank that somewhat shows the black sports bra she's wearing under. We stand in the doorway for a second before she moves over to let me inside her apartment.

"Hey" She smiles, closing the door behind me.

I take my shoes off at the door before following her to her living room. I look around her apartment, taking in her navy couch, a white arm chair, the white curtains, and the flat screen TV in the middle of the wall above the fireplace.

"Nice apartment"

"Thanks, my sister and I had finally came to an agreement on how to decorate it" Queen laughs a little before sitting down on the couch.

"Simone is her name, right? Aria and Adrianne mentioned her"

"Yea, we don't agree on much but half the time we can come to an agreement." She shrugs.

"That sounds difficult" I sit down in the arm chair across from her. "Ready to start binging?"

She smiles a little then grabs the remote off the glass table in front of her. "Of course"

I look down at the table and notice she has a pack of Oreos, Fudge Stripes, a box of fruit snacks, and a bag of baked Lays on her table along with root beer, sprite, and water bottles. The good stuff.

"Sorry, I eat like a 5-year-old when I binge stuff" She follows my gaze to her table "Help yourself"

"Don't mind if I do" I laugh, opening the pack of Oreos and taking a few out.

Somewhere between binging and snacking, I wake up to realize we both fell asleep snuggled up on the couch, Queen's head and body laying across mine. Which was super unintentional. Netflix has the 'Hello? Are you still there?' sign on the screen. I look at the time on my watch, 2:30a.m. and shift a little to take my phone out of my back pocket.

3 text messages from dad

-Hey, are you coming home tonight?- 10p.m. yesterday

-Lana? You okay?- 10:15p.m.

-Please check in- 10:40pm

5 missed calls from dad.

Holy shit! I guess I fell asleep.

"What's up?" Queen asks, half asleep

"Nothing, we fell asleep and my dad wanted me to check in a few hours ago" I dim the light on my phone so I don't wake her up any further.

-I'm okay, fell asleep and will be home later-

"Oh" she shifts to her side, head still laying on my chest.

I don't even mind this ... I note before putting my phone on the table and falling right back asleep.

How to Fall... Without Trying To (GirlxGIRL)Where stories live. Discover now