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The conversation with Jhené stays with me through the week, I catch myself thinking about it throughout my day and it bothers me. I don't want to tell her, especially because it would make her feel awkward, but I also don't want to keep thinking on it. Shit... today is Friday.. I have that date today! I definitely cannot be thinking on this the entire time I'm with this mystery girl tonight!

"Hey Queen? Have you gotten a chance to talk to that Global One company about the fundraiser?" Amanda asks from her desk

"Yes ma'am, called them earlier" I nod, looking at the computer screen in front of me

"Good, thank you" Amanda half smiles in my direction before looking down at a paper on her desk

I look up from my screen just in time to see Jhené walk off the elevator on the floor. What the hell is she doing here at my job? Please don't be like the movies where the love interest confesses their undying love for the protagonist and they share a kiss... I don't want to end up fired!

"Hello Ms. Kingston ! How are you?" Amanda stands up from her seat

Wait ... Ms. Kingston? I look at Jhené, stunned

"Hey Amanda, is my dad busy?" Jhene doesn't seem to notice that I'm seated 4 feet away from her

Dad?! A rush of panic fills me as I come to a realization. I've been hanging out with my boss' daughter?! I almost want to say something to her out loud, but she looks over to me and her eyes go wide in surprise.

"Hi" Jhené chokes out

"Oh yea, you haven't met Queen, my assistant, yet" Amanda looks over to me, "Queen this is Lana, Mr. Kingston's daughter"

"Hello, Lana" I try to emphasize her name a little

"Hello, Queen" Jhené, who's name is apparently Lana Kingston!, looks embarrassed

"Lana!" Mr. Kingston comes out of his office to hug his daughter, "I'm glad you finally met the young assistant, she's doing great!"

"I bet she is, dad" Lana hugs him back and I can tell this is uncomfortable for her

This is way past uncomfortable to me, and she is definitely going to hear about it later.

"Step into my office" Mr. Kingston, Lana aka Jhene's dad!,  pulls her away

"Enjoy your Friday, Queen!" Amanda basically shoves me toward the elevator, placing an envelope in my hands, "And here is your first paycheck! Spend it wisely!"

"Okay, okay!" I laugh, placing the envelope in my laptop bag, "Have a great weekend too, Amanda"

"I will! Now get out of here!" Amanda pushes the button to the elevator "Have some fun!"

I get on the elevator, laughing at how quickly Amanda wanted to kick me out of the office after hearing I have a date later. I pull my phone out of my pocket and see a lot of unread text.

-Hey! I'm in town for the weekend and need a place to crash that's not my aunt's place!- Kat

Oh my goodness! Kat's back! I almost can't control a squeal of excitement, scaring the shit out of the lady that walks into the elevator after me from another floor .

-Crash anytime at my place!- I respond back to her then scroll through the rest of my messages to see 4 unread messages from Lana, formally known as Jhene

-Queen, I am so sorry!-

-Are you mad at me?-

-Please don't be-

How to Fall... Without Trying To (GirlxGIRL)Where stories live. Discover now