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I wake up in a dark room, connected to a loud obnoxious machine, and my dad sleeping on my left. I can tell its early afternoon because there's a little bit of sun trying to come through on the sides of the curtains. I sit up and walk over to the door, peaking out to see what's going on in the hallway. Doctors and nurses are walking by, reading off clipboards and talking amongst themselves. As I'm going back to my bed, I hear a few familiar voices coming near

"I'm sure her dad is going to sue the hell out of her" Leslie's familiar voice says, coming into my room with Queen and Aria

"I would if Lana doesn't do it herself" Aria agrees

"Hey guys" I smile, walking over to them

"I'm sure Lana will figure it out when she wakes up" Queen shrugs, ignoring me and moving further into the room "For now they both need to focus on her recovery more than anything"

"Isn't your girlfriend tasked with helping to build the case to the DAs office?" Leslie asks, winking at Queen

"For once I cannot argue with you calling her my girlfriend" Queen smiles

Queen has a girlfriend now? Anissa must have asked her to make it official... I don't blame her..

"I still cannot believe you have an official girlfriend" Aria grins, "We're all so happy for you"

"Right" Adrianne walks into the room as well

"Hello girls" My dad wakes up, taking a long stretch, "Thank you for taking the time out of your days to come see her for the past few days"

Past few days? The hell is he talking about?

"No problem, Mr. Kingston" Queen nods, "I just hope she wakes up soon"

"She has to, it's been 4 days" Leslie says with a frown

I've been sleep for four days? But I'm woke right now--- or am I?

"They are hoping she wakes up soon, they cannot medically pull her out of her coma without consequences" My dad looks at me with sadness 

I walk over to Queen and put my hand on her shoulder, but she doesn't seem to realize I'm even touching her. I look over at my bed to see I'm still laying there.. What the hell is going on? The last thing I remember before waking up is Jane asking me if I loved driving her car... Jane! Where is Jane at? It honestly sucks that I can't ask anyone because apparently I'm knocked the fuck out in a hospital bed right now! I can feel my anger spike, which in turn makes the machine I'm hooked up to beep loudly for a few second

"What was that?" Aria asks, pointing at the machine

"Probably a spike in brain activity" Queen looks at the machine

"Oh hey guys" Jane walks in the room, a cast on one arm and a bag of food in her free hand, "Sorry, I was downstairs getting food from the cafeteria"

My heart skips a beat, which makes the machine slowly beep a little faster. Jane! Her arm is broken?

"Hey Jane" Leslie waves at Jane, "We just stopped by to see if you guys needed anything"

"Uh... I'm good for now" Jane looks at me and frowns

"You sure?" Queen puts her hand on Jane's shoulder, "We can grab you anything you need"

"I need her to wake up from her coma" Jane shakes her head

"She will soon" Leslie frowns

"I came as soon as I heard!" I hear a male voice enter the room. I turn around to see Chauncey's dumb ass walk into the room

How to Fall... Without Trying To (GirlxGIRL)Where stories live. Discover now