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I wake up to the sound of Jane crying in the bathroom, which alarms me so I get out of bed to go see what's up with her. I find her on the bathroom floor with her head between her legs. She doesn't hear me at first, so I walk over to her and pull her into a big hug

"What's wrong, baby?"

"I just can't shake the fact that my parents are really cutting me out of their lives" Jane sobs in my shoulder, "I really cannot believe they hate me that much"

I'm not sure the best way to word this, but I try anyways, "They don't hate you, baby. They hate your lifestyle choices"

"Then they hate me!" Jane sobs even harder, "I can't help who I'm attracted to!"

"I know, baby" I rub her back, feeling her body tremble under my palm, "I don't hate you. Does that count for something?"

She chuckles a little between sobs, "thank you for being here"

"You're welcome, I'm not sure where else I would go. This is my house" I joke

She chuckles even harder, "It's been a week, and I still haven't slept in my own bed. You've been extremely patient, and I'm sure you want your bed to yourself"

"Babe, I'm okay with you sleeping next to me every night" I smile, kissing her shoulder, "I'm dreading the moment you want to leave"

"Really?" She pulls her face away from my shoulder, looking me in the eyes as if to detect a lie

"Yes" I nod, making eye contact with her, "I don't want you going anywhere unless you really want to. My room is your safe haven"

"Your arms are my safe haven" She kisses my lips softly, "I'm sorry for waking you up"

"It's okay, babe. I don't mind it", I kiss her on the tip of her nose, "I don't want you in here crying alone when I have a perfectly good shoulder to cry on"

"I can't make any promises" She wipes her eyes with her fingers

"You don't have to" I pull her hand from her face, "I want you to be able to wake me up whenever you need me"

"Okay" She nods, clutching my hands in hers, "I will give it a try next time. Just promise not to kill me if I do"

"I will not kill you" I place my hand on my heart, "I promise. I would rather wake up to your gorgeous face on any given day"

"I'll hold you to it" She smiles, letting me go to rinse her face off with water

I go back to my bed, throwing the blankets over me with a little ease thanks to the painkillers I took before I went to sleep. I lay down just as Jane emerges from the bathroom, turning the light off behind her, and getting into the bed next to me

"How are your ribs feeling?" She snuggles, as best as she can with her arm cast, under me, "Any better?"

"Somewhat" I shrug, "I don't need as high a dosage of pain meds for the pain, so that's progress"

"That's good" She smiles, kissing me on the lips

"What about your broken wing?" I nod to her arm

"She's still healing up"


"Good night, babe"

"Good night"

"Good morning, Queen and Amanda" I wave at them both as I walk past them to my dad's office

"Hey Lana" Queen looks up from the papers in front of her then back down again

How to Fall... Without Trying To (GirlxGIRL)Where stories live. Discover now