Narrative !!

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Sunday went as follows:

Queen and Anissa finished their Six Flags date, no more altercations, but they had fun. They finished it off with a quiet beach trip and Queen had to fully admit? She didn't know how to swim. She should have mentioned that, but her crazy ass got swept up in Anissa's cuteness that she totally almost drowned. It may have been a cute scene if Anissa was there to save her like in the movies, but she wasn't. Anissa was wiping her face with a towel, so a lifeguard had to save Queen. A cute one, but not Queen's type. Anissa vowed to not let Queen out of her site in the water, then proceeded to help Queen learn how to swim. Bless her heart, she still left with the feeling that she would drown if Anissa wasn't there to coddle her. Anissa felt her feelings for Queen were taking a few leaps off the ground. To be able to envision them together is actually a gift, but surely they were the postcard for perfect at this point. It's getting ridiculously cute with these two.

Lana met a girl at a bar, she had nothing to do on a Sunday night so she figured 'why not?'. It wasn't a bad trip, she met a mysterious girl named Jane. Jane's disposition screamed 'LESBIAN!' before she even had the chance to, she was dressed in a white tank top, cut off jeans, a plaid shirt around her waist, and white hightop Chucks. Jane had been eyeing Lana from the second Lana walked into the bar, and Lana couldn't help but feel the attention. Jane kept her distance for a little while, until she just walked over and sat next to Lana and began talking. Jane kept the conversation about drinks and such, but Lana knew what she really wanted to talk about. Lana. Lana gave her the time of day, giving her phone number and name to Jane before the night was over. Jane invited Lana to her place, but Lana declined until another day. Explaining she had a lot to think through first. Jane took the rejection well, staying with Lana until they were both ready to leave. Jane walked Lana to her car, opened the door with true chivalry, and watched as Lana left the parking lot.

Aria's day was spent getting to know Kace at a soup kitchen, where Kace volunteered every Sunday since he was 15. Yes, the boy is seriously a saint. Kace explained that growing up, he would volunteer here all the time because he felt a connection to a young boy that would come here with his mother. The boy's father was killed in a car accident and his mother was disabled in the wreck, so finding work was scarce to find. Eventually Kace convinced his mother to house the family, in agreeance that he would work to keep the house afloat while they housed their guest. Aria felt that was the sweetest thing on Earth, for him to work his ass off to provide not only for his family but for another. Kace is really an angel, and Aria is falling a little hard for this boy already. It's not just in his smile, it's in his heart made of gold too. Aria and Kace ended their date on Aria's doorstep, a kiss before a goodnight and Kace shuffling to his car with a huge grin spread across his face. Aria falling to the floor behind her door, realizing she might have just found the one for her.

Leslie's day was mostly spent texting Emmie and getting work done. Emmie couldn't hang out, due to some family stuff going on and Leslie wasn't one to push Emmie to talk. She mostly enjoyed talking to her and spending time with her, so any time they got? Leslie was happy about it. Emmie on the other hand, has been dealing with problems at home. Her dad has been on some shit and hasn't let up, even though she's living on her own. She feels like there's no escape from his bullshit and the fact that her mom puts up with it is even worse. She couldn't imagine that love is suppose to feel this way, but she doesn't know any different. She wants to confide in Leslie, but she feels like she'd be a burden if she did.

Adrianne has been dealing with getting things ready for Cuba, making sure it's cleared with her unit sergeant. She doesn't have a love life but that doesn't mean she can't be irritated, vicariously, with everyone else's. Queen's especially, like who does Lana think she is? Queen is obviously not that into Lana, though the girl makes Queen a little uncomfortable though that's every girl with Queen. Hell, even Adrianne made Queen uncomfortable when they first met. Queen told her later it's because she had a small crush on her, but Queen knew her boundaries and made me a friend instead. Adrianne sure is glad she did.

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