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I get home and take my shoes off, looking around to make sure my roommates aren't at home before I relax. I head to my room and throw my bag down, locking my door behind me. The only good thing about living here? I have my own bathroom connected to my room, so I never have to leave my room unless I need something from the kitchen. Which is unlikely with my small fridge and cabinet in my room. I grab my clothes and go to shower, wanting to get out of my work clothes as soon as possible. I turn on music, humming along to Tatiana Manaois as I wash my body

"Yo Emmie!" I hear a bang on my door, "Let me in! I need $200!" 

Who let my step dad in the apartment? I told my dumb ass roommates not to let him in after last time...  I ignore him, finishing up in the shower and rushing to throw clothes on

"I know you heard me, girl!" He bangs on my door again, "I need the money!"

I can't do this with him again... all he's going to do is buy alcohol or gamble it away... I grab my phone and call my mom, letting her know that he's at my apartment again

"Yes, Emmie?" She answers, sounding tired as hell 

"Mom, Rob is at my apartment again" I tell her, shutting myself in the bathroom, "Can you tell him to leave?"

"Honey, just give him what he wants, and he will leave" My mom sighs 

"Why should I give him my money?" I demand, "He needs to sober up and get a job!"

"You know what happened last time he tried that" My mom reminds me, which angers me. The last time he supposedly got clean, he started using drugs and ended up fired from his job, which landed him on my mom's couch playing video games and drinking her money away again. 

"I told him I wasn't giving him anything else" I shake my head, "He needs to leave"

"Well honey, I can't tell him that because I'm not there" My mom sounds agitated 

"Ugh!" I let out a sigh of frustration before hanging up on her, "Rob! You need to leave, now!" I leave the bathroom and yell through the door

"I need $200!" Rob yells back, banging on the door

"No! You need to leave before I call the cops!" I reply. I put extra locks and a new door on last week because he came over and wrecked my last door. Now? I wish he would try!

"You're such an ungrateful bitch!" He slams against the door, "Fuck you!"

"Leave, Rob!" I yell, picking up my phone and calling the cops

"Open up and give me that money, girl!" He yells angrily

"Hello, 911 operator. What is your emergency?" The operator picks up the phone

"Hello, I want to report a break in" 

By the time the cops leave, it's 1030p.m. and I honestly just don't want to be at my apartment right now. I grab my work clothes for tomorrow and shove them into a backpack, packing a few other necessities before I get in my car and drive around, stopping to grab a burger from Wendy's. I drive around for a few more hours before finding myself at Leslie's apartment. I look at the time, 215a.m., and frown. What if she's not home? Or sleep? Fuck! I honestly don't want to go back home right now.... I burst into tears, seriously frustrated and tired from the night I've had and, after debating for 15 minutes, I finally get the nerve to call Leslie 


"Can I come over?"

"Yea, sure" she yawns 

"Good, I'm outside your apartment in my car"

"Hold on"

I get out of the car, grabbing my backpack out of the backseat, and walk up to her apartment door, and after a few minutes she opens the door to let me in

"What's wrong?" She asks, looking seriously worried 

"I don't want to talk about it" I pull her into a hug, taking a whiff of her body soap, "You smell nice"

"Oh?" She shuffles us backward before shutting the door with her foot, "Thank you, honey and lavender soap"

"Smells nice" I take a deep breath, "I needed to get out of my apartment"

"At 2:30a.m. I see" She lets me go, taking a few steps back. 

"Sorry, I didn't know who else to call" I frowns, "life just isn't rainbows right now"

"I understand" She nods, "but we do have to work in the morning so I think we should head to bed"

"Alright" I nod, following her to her room. She lays down on the bed, cuddling up with the blankets. I follow suit, taking off my hoodie off and tossing it to the floor. I pull off the sweatpants I threw on when the cops got to my apartment, and straighten out my pajama shorts before climbing into bed next to Leslie, "Good night, Les" 

"Good night, Em" 

I don't fall asleep immediately, looking up the ceiling and just thinking about life. Rob was taken to the station after a brief statement from me, which I know will piss my mom off when she finds out. I'm not sure what she sees in that guy and why she stays with him, but I'm so tired of him! He's such an ass and I honestly wish she would just leave him after being with his stupid ass for 4 years. He's a deadbeat and no good for her, but I guess she will find that out one day on her own

How to Fall... Without Trying To (GirlxGIRL)Where stories live. Discover now