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I'm going to kick her ass. I cannot believe she just did that, but I'm not upset with her about it. She just called me her girlfriend .... I rub her thigh with my hand, waiting for someone to say something to break the awkward silence that followed Lana's last statement. Lana's leg is shaking up and down, probably anxious after realizing what she just did and said

"Dinner should be done soon" my mom walks into the kitchen, unaware of what just happened

"Oh great, I'm starving" Steven clears his throat, looking at my dad, " How's the church going?"

"It's going good, we're building the activities building and I think everyone is going to really enjoy it" my dad replies, crossing his arms, "We have been trying to get Jane to take over the children's church for a while now, but it seems she has other plans"

I am definitely not a kids person. They're cute until they're not. Plus, I don't want to work in my parents' church and get judged every Sunday for loving who I love. It's just not for me.

"Kids aren't my thing" I shrug, "I told you and mom this since I was a teenager. Not my fault you don't listen"

"Watch your tone, Jane" My mom hisses at me, "We are still your parents"

"That's not an excuse to continue your toxic behaviors" I shake my head, "You guys can't accept me for me, then maybe you don't need to be in my life"

"That's absolutely enough from you" My dad slams his hand onto the table, "Change the subject, NOW"

Lana jumps out of her skin for a second, not expecting dad's rash behavior. I soothe her down with my thumb, running it across her leg until she stops shaking. I look up to see Steven's face has gone pale, he's looking down at the table like a child. I feel bad for him, he couldn't have known that he was walking into such a shit show. I should have warned Lana that my dad has a temper, I just thought he would have kept it close to vest with guest present.. guess not

"So how's the weather?" I ask sarcastically

"That's it, living room! Now" My dad stands up, walking out of the room. I get up to follow him, Lana touching my hand for a second before I leave her at the table

"What?" I ask, crossing my arms in front of my chest

"I am absolutely sick of your shenanigans, young lady!" My dad looks at me with anger, "Bringing that girl here to support your lifestyle in front of Steven? Getting smart with your mother and I lately? I am sick of these antics! You are becoming the devils playground with your homosexuality and disobedience!"

He raises his voice at every point, sticking his finger out to point at me. I'm starting to get angry and annoyed with the fact that they continue to try to shove religion down my throat at all cost, even at the cost of losing me in their lives. They can't just accept me for who I am and leave it at that?

"Dad, you have to understand that I am an adult now" I start off, trying not to let my anger seep into my voice like venom, "I make my own decisions and I am living off my own money. I don't live with you anymore, so you therefore have no right to tell me what to do. Especially in my own home"

"I have every right, I am your father!" He walks over to me, standing inches away from my face, "I don't care how grown you are, you are not! You are 23 years old! I helped bring you into this world, and I will be damned if you are going to disrespect me like this!"

"Careful dad, you're getting into the sin of cussing" I try to refrain from rolling my eyes at him.

He grabs my good arm and starts to shake me roughly, "You will learn to respect me and your mother!"

How to Fall... Without Trying To (GirlxGIRL)Where stories live. Discover now