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When I wake up, Anissa is nowhere to be found. Not even a text message or a note to tell me where she's at. I get out of bed and get dressed for work, knowing if I don't get up now, I will end up procrastinating which will make me super late. I already skipped an alarm this morning. I hurry to dress in a navy blue pant suit and a black button down, going for a classic look for work today. I'm suppose to attend a meeting with Lana today, but who even knows how this is going to go. I hurry up and get ready for work, making sure my goddess braids are set for the day. I carefully place the gold accessories in my braids before I set out to go to work, skipping breakfast since I'm not exactly hungry right now. On my way out of the building, my neighbor's daughter walks up to me holding a box of Girl Scout cookies

"Hi!" She looks up at me with a grin, "Do you want to buy cookies?"

"I have to talk to my fiancé about it first" I tell her, continuing to walk down the hallway, "Maybe if you see her? She will definitely buy some"

"Your fiancé is a girl?" She asks, raising her eyebrow at me, "That's weird"

"Weird?" I laugh, "I guess you can say that"

"Is she pretty?" She asks just as I reach the elevator

"Yes, very" I nod my head, "I'm leaving, but maybe I can show you a photo later"

"I will just look for her" She shrugs, "I don't have school today"

"Why is that?" I ask her while I wait for the elevator, "Why are you allowed to wander in the hallway?"

"The flu is going around at school" She shrugs, and I realize she has to be about 6 or 7 years old, "I don't have it but a few girls in my class had it so they cancelled school"

"That sounds terrible" I tell her just as the elevator arrives on my floor, "I have to go to work, but I hope you enjoy your day okay?"

"Okay" She nods, skipping away, "Bye!"

"Bye!" I wave to her, pushing the elevator button to go to the garage.

When I walk into work, Lana is already waiting for me at my desk. She doesn't see me at first, then I walk over behind her and tap her on the shoulder. She jumps then looks up at me with surprise

"Good morning! You scared the shit out of me"

"That was the plan" I shrug, giving her a small maniacal smile, "Good morning"

"You look great" she smiles, looking at my clothes up and down, "I love it"

"Thank you" I walk over to my desk chair and sit down, "Ready for this meeting?"

"Somewhat" she shrugs, "I'm seriously loving this suit, it's super hot on you"

"Thanks" I look over my meeting notes, "I think this meeting will go pretty well"

"Possibly, I mean we prepped it pretty well" Lana leans back in her chair, "The power duo"

Lana's dad has been calling Lana and I that since we delivered a big contract to the company last year. Lana has taken to the nickname for a while, and her dad has even given me a promotion where I'm basically Lana's partner in the company. I'm no longer an assistant, but I'm also in the spotlight a lot more instead of being behind the scenes. I like it, it's better pay and hours plus I get paid vacations. It's basically where I want to be in life right now. I'm proud of myself and so is Anissa

"The power duo" I laugh, "Let's go over the meeting points again"

"Okay" she smiles, reaching on my desk for notecards she must have placed down before I came in.

How to Fall... Without Trying To (GirlxGIRL)Where stories live. Discover now