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I wake up to my phone going off at 2:30a.m. Who the fuck is calling me this early on a Tuesday? I pick my phone up to see Emmie's name on the screen with a picture of us together. Huh?


"Can I come over?" She says, sounding a little choked up

"Yea, sure" I rub my eyes, yawning

"Good, I'm outside your apartment in my car"

"Hold on" I sit up, putting a shirt on to cover my naked body. I get out of bed and walk to my door, opening it to see Emmie standing in front of me with tears in her eyes, "What's wrong?"

"I don't really want to talk about it" She walks up to me and gives me a big hug, "You smell nice"

"Oh?" I smile, shuffling backwards so we are fully inside the door when I shut it, "Thank you, honey and lavender soap"

"Smells nice" she takes a deep breath in, and I notice she has a backpack on her back, "I needed to get out of my apartment"

"At 2:30a.m. I see" I let her go, stepping back to examine her further. She's wearing a large black Harvard sweater and grey sweatpants that really help her ass look really nice ... but that's besides the point

"Sorry, I didn't know who else to call" she frowns, "life just isn't rainbows right now"

"I understand" I nod, "but we do have to work in the morning so I think we should head to bed"

"Alright" she nods, following me to my room. I lay down on the bed, cuddling up with the blankets. Emmie follows suit, taking her hoodie off to reveal a white tank top. She clearly isn't wearing a bra, but she doesn't seem to care about that with me. She pulls off her sweatpants to reveal pajama shorts. She climbs into bed next to me, laying on my shoulder

"Good night, Les" She yawns, snuggling up on me

"Good night, Em"

I wake up to my alarm and Emmie's soft snoring. I poke her on the nose, waking her up instantly

"Good morning" I smile

"Morning" she yawns, snuggling further on me, "what time is it?"

"645" I look at my phone screen

"We have to be at work at 8" she rubs her eyes, "I really don't wanna go"

"I don't either, but it pays the bills" I shrug, as much as I would love to stay here with you today... I can't I want to add, but I don't

"I guess" she shrugs, "I have court today"

"Bronson case?"

She nods, looking up at me, "thank you for letting me stay the night"

"Anytime" I smile, instinctively kissing her on the forehead. She looks up at me and smiles, pulling my face towards her and planting a kiss on my lips

"I've always wanted to do that" she smiles after letting my face go, which surprises me because I didn't realize that Emmie felt the same way about me as I do about her

"Really?" I raise my eyebrows, "Cause I've wanted to do that for the longest, but I just didn't know if you wanted that too"

"I've wanted to do a lot of things to you" She smiles, sitting up so that she is fully turned towards me, "And I do mean a lot"

"Oh really? Care to show me?" I tease.

She climbs on top of me, straddles her hips to mine, then kisses me. I grab at her shirt, pulling her body into mine as she runs her hands through my hair. I barely hear my alarm go off the second time as we kiss, then I feel a pinch and I'm back to reality

How to Fall... Without Trying To (GirlxGIRL)Where stories live. Discover now