Chapter 4

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"Is this okay for tonight?" Y/n asked Bertholdt and Reiner while walking out of the bathroom.

"The red looks better with that heels but it is good. I like it." Reiner said

"What about you Bert?"

"It's good but I like the other dress better." Bertholdt scratches his nape.

"Ok, Bert. No need to be shy. I grew up with you guys." Y/n inside the bathroom to change back to the other dress.

Once Y/n and the guys are finish, they went to the venue, where they are meeting Mr. Yeager.

"Good evening, Mr. Yeager." The three said in unison as the said man walk towards them wearing a casual yet stunning suit.

The group approached the restaurant. "Reservation under Yeager." The skater said. The lady peeked on the reservation book and smiled.

"Right this way, sir." The lady led the group to a circular table and put menus in front of them as they sat. "Just call me when you are ready to order." The lady walked away and left the group.

The skater sat and talked about every topic that they came across with. As they ordered their meals, another group sat on the table next to them. They just ignored the other guests as they talked about their strengths and weaknesses in figure skating that might be improved. Until Yeager began to talk to them with a distracted look on his face.

"Are you okay, sir?" Reiner asked. "You looked kinda distracted?"

"yeah, I'm fine. Just look behind you. Don't make it obvious." Yeager said

The three skaters looked behind them one by one, taking turns. As Y/n looked behind her, she saw her old best friend's idol. Erwin Smith, Japan's best figure skater. "Oh my gosh...It's Erwin Smith..." Y/n whispered with wide eyes.

"Indeed. F*ck, he kept looking at us." Yeager said, as he look down at his meal.

They finished their meals, paid and were about to get out when Erwin Smith called Eren Yeager. "Nice to see you. It's been six long years and we haven't seen each other." Erwin chuckled.

"We should go. These kids should be home right now."

"They're matured and are not minors anymore. Join us." Erwin offered. They just  finished their meals so Erwin paid and talked to the manager to move their seats to a different table.

Both of the groups were moved to a bigger table, where they sat on different sides. "How's Canada, Eren?" Erwin asked.

"Good. How's Japan? still the same?"

"Japan's still the same, still giving me luck in winning figure skating. Meet my new skaters representing Japan in the Olympics. Ms. Ral, Mr. Ackermann, Mr. Bozado and their designer Ms. Zoe." Erwin proudly said.

"What a coincidence, I'm also with my newest members here. Meet Y/n, Bertholdt and Reiner. All representing Canada this year. Their former coach officially gave me the opportunity to train them. We met here because their having a vacation and will be performing on their last day here." Eren introduced and explained to Erwin, trying not to act awkward.

"When's the performance?" Ms. Ral asked.

"Next week sunday. 6pm at the _______ skating rink. Free entry for everyone." Eren smiled.

The two coaches talked like nothing happened in their past. The skaters began to talk. "Nice to meet you everyone...So anyone wants to share what is their reason to start figure skating?" Y/n starts as she tries to foll in the somehow awkward silence.

"My mother was one. I want to be like her when I was young and now I love the sport and it's a big part of my life." Ms. Ral said with a strong Japanese accent. Y/n smiled.

"Bert, how 'bout you?" Y/n asked.

"I don't really know but... I guess skating is a very interesting sport."

As the skaters talked, Levi couldn't keep his eyes off the h/c haired girl. "Umm... How about you Mr. Ackermann? You really reminds me of someone... Is there any possibility that Kuchel Ackermann is related to you?" Y/n asked.

Levi swallowed a lump on his throat before answering. "My best friend left me. That pushes me to continue figure skating and compete in the Olympics." He said without any emotion on his face.

"My best friend forgot about me. I continued skating for him and that maybe I'll meet him again. One way or another, I still want to find him." Y/n said as she frowned then sipped her wine.

"Kuchel Ackermann was my mother..." Y/n stopped sipping her wine and closed her eyes, putting her hands on her face.

"I knew it... Can I talk to you alone? Please." She swallowed the forming lump in her throat. Levi stood up and walked towards the door. She soon followed and sighed.

Levi stopped in front of the restaurant and turned around with his usual face, no emotion. "Why?"

"Levi. I missed you so much." Was the first thing that came from Y/n's mouth. She walked closer to hug him but he declined and turned his head to face away from her. Y/n's face filled with hurt.

"Why'd you leave?" Levi asked.

"I went to study and go with my family. I don't have any other choice other than to go with them since I'm a minor." Y/n walked closer to Levi as he slowly stepped back.

"You lied to me... You said you'd visit me, you'd send me letters. You said you'll be back. You completely forgot about me." Levi said sternly.

"I did not. I didn't forget you. I still have our last photo in my wallet, on my phone and locket. I didn't want to forget you..." showing him proofs.

"Well... You did. You stopped sending letters, I kept on sending letters and your favorite treats to your house, I worked so hard so I can have money to afford those but you stopped appreciating my effort and that's when I realized that you're not worth it." As the words came out of Levi's mouth, a tear slowly slid down on Y/n's cheek.

Levi looked at her one last time before walking off and going inside the restaurant again, leaving Y/n standing alone in the cold windy night.

As Levi walked inside and sat on his seat, Y/n broke down. She sat on the bench and took out her phone, texting Reiner.


N/n: I want to go back to the hotel.

ArmoredBoii: Wait! Bertholdt and I are coming.

ArmoredBoii: Eren is coming with us too.

Y/n didn't reply and waited on the bench. Reiner, Bertholdt and Eren came out of the restaurant and saw her figure on the bench. "What happened?"

"I found him..."

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