Chapter 34

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Levi sat on his dining table with a cup of tea on his hand. Scrolling through the internet, he sighed. Every social media flat form was filled with his and Y/n's picture at the skating competition. Why did I kissed her in public? Now everything is filled with this picture!!

He was about to sip his tea when his doorbell rang. He rolled his eyes and stood up, walking to his front door. He opened the door to be face to faced by a mail man, who is holding a brown envelop. He thanked the man as he closed the door.

He sat back on his dining table and continued drinking his tea. He decided to open the envelop. The mail was from Canada, from Y/n.

He opened it, only to see two more envelops. Envelops labelled as 1 and 2. Levi opened the envelop labelled as 1.

His eyes widen as he saw an old wrinkly paper.

To my beloved Levi,

I know it's been a while since we saw each other, but I can still remember the glare you gave me every time a hug you. I missed you so much. I hope to see you again. I realized one thing when I went away. I missed you a lot. Everything reminds me or you. You are the only one in my mind. I remember everything you and I did in the past. Levi, I know that this is very sudden and I will not send this to you because I know that you're not going to answer or anything, but I love you, Levi. I never knew that love feels like this. I'll do anything to see you again.

Love Y/n,

After Levi stopped reading, he didn't realized that he was crying until tears drip on the paper. He wiped away his tears and opened the next envelop. He saw his own letter and a small piece of paper folded in half. He opened the paper and his eyes widen.


Then the impossible happened.

He smiled and slammed his hand on the table, his tea spilling. He cursed himself and jumped up and down with tears streaming down his face.

Time skip

Y/n, Bertholdt and Reiner are performing for an opening event for a National Skating Competition. They're all going to perform individually. Reiner and Bertholdt are already done and Y/n was currently performing.

She was dancing her heart out to the song 'Elastic Heart' by Sia. As she was gliding on the ice, she saw someone in the crowd. She quickly shook it off her head and focused back to her song.

She scanned the crowd again as she glided and saw someone she wished to see, Levi. He was leaning on the barricade, which is actually meters away from Bertholdt and Reiner. Y/n smiled with excitement and happiness, being out of character. Bertholdt saw this and looked around, only to see Levi meters away from them. As her song finished and she thanked the audience before skating to the exit. Y/n didn't bother to put on her guards before running to Levi's spot.

She tackled him in a hug, Levi almost falling over from the impact. Y/n hugged him as tight as possible as Levi patted her head. "What are you doing here?" Y/n asked.

"I'm just visiting." Levi answered.

Bertholdt and Reiner walked over to them and shook hands with Levi. They invited Levi to go with dinner, which he agreed to.

Levi was staying at a hotel, so he went back there to freshen up and change his clothes. He agreed to meet the group in front of the restaurant.

He got off the taxi and stood in front of a restaurant, waiting for the familiar faces to arrive. People recognized him and asked to take a picture with him and surprisingly took photos with them.

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