Chapter 19

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Police cars and Ambulances surrounds the two wrecked cars. Siren was all you can hear everywhere. Three people are injured and two are in a critical condition. All of them are strapped to a gurney and taken to the hospital immediately. One of the injured patients is Levi and one of the critical patients is Y/n.

Levi woke up and felt that his whole body hurts. He got IV connected to his arm and oxygen mask strapped on his head. The nurses recently left him because he is in a stable condition but the only thing running through his mind is Y/n.

The passenger side collided with the other car. His eyes widen as he quickly stood up and rushed out of the door, pulling IV's with him. As he walked out of his room, he began yelling for Y/n. The nurses from earlier rushed over to him and guided him back to his room.

"Where's Y/n?!"

"Sir, you need to stay down. Everything will be okay." The nurses told him but he kept pushing through them. Soon, the nurses were forced to put him on a wheelchair since he don't want to stay in bed and wants to check on Y/n.

"sir, she's in a critical condition. You can't visit her yet." the nurse told him as he push him in front of a glass window.

There laid his motionless best friend, Y/n. Doctors around her. Blood still gushing out of her head and lip. Levi's eyes watered but he blinked it all away. His friend can die because of his idiocy.

Why did he stared at her for god knows how long?

"I'm such a f*cking idiot." He muttered to himself. He began pulling his hair in frustration, but the nurse pulled his hands away from his face and hair, preventing him from harming himself even more.
Levi began screaming at the nurse to let go. Cursing every nurse who tries to stop him. As his outburst got even worst, the nurses rushed him back to his room and laid on his bed as he trashed around. The doctor that came to his room injected him something that made him fall asleep immediately.

Levi woke up once again with Erwin by his side. His eyes rolled behind his head because of grogginess. As the memories from last night flashed through his head, he put both of his palms on top of his eyes, Regretting.
Regretting for taking her home.
Why didn't they just take the taxi? Y/n would be fine by now. She would be sleeping until afternoon instead of laying on a hospital bed, motionless.


"It wasn't your fault, Levi. You weren't drunk last night. The passengers and driver in the other car were drunk." Erwin said.

"I was f*cking driving Hanji's car. I could've prevented it!"

"How? You turn the wheel to the left and other turned theirs right. How could you have prevented it? It's an accident." Erwin said as Levi gulfed the saliva that built up in his throat.
Levi couldn't help but turn his head to the other side, facing away Erwin. He let a tear fall down his cheek before putting both of his palms on top of his eyes again, wiping the tear secretly.

"Can I visit her?" He asked. As he said that, a knocked sounded behind the door. The door opened and a nurse came in with a tray with soup, egg roll, rice, tea and water.

"Good morning, sir. This is your breakfast for today. Enjoy." the nurse said before walking out of the room.
Levi tried to distract himself by drinking tea and roughly eating his breakfast.

"Visit her? Maybe later. Her father is here and is worried sick about his daughter. Finish your food maybe you could visit her." Erwin said as he began to read the newspaper.
Levi quickly finished his meal and began to stand up. Erwin automatically took the wheelchair from the corner of the room and let Levi sit on it so he could go to Y/n's room. He began pushing Levi out of the room and through the empty halls of the hospital. They got to a room and Erwin knocked. The door opened and there stood Y/n's father, F/n. He let Levi and Erwin inside and closed the door behind them.

"If your wonder about Y/n, she's okay now. She needs rest though. She woke up earlier but went to sleep again. She did get her leg and arm broken." F/n explained.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. L/n. She told me that we should take the taxi but I told her that I drive. I promise that I'll pay our hospital bills, sir." Levi looked down, ashamed of what he have done.
"It's okay. She explained to me what happened before the car crashed, it's not fault." F/n smiled at Levi as he nodded.

Levi stayed by Y/n's side the whole day. Erwin have some business to handle so he needs to go. F/n something outside the hospital but came back after a short while.
While F/n was out, Levi walked to Y/n's side and held her hand. He looked at her sleeping form and can't help but let a tear fall. He swallowed the lump in his throat as he realized something.

This is not the Levi he know.

The Levi he know do not cry.

As he felt a movement, he decided to fake being asleep. He put his head on the mattress next to Y/n's hand. Y/n yawned and looked around, finding a familiar raven haired man beside her. She smiled and ruffled Levi undercut. Levi fake wakes up and yawned too. "You're awake. How are you feeling, brat."

"Much better than the last time I woke up." She smiled wider but regrets as she remembers her busted lip.
Levi saw the pain in her eyes and that enough, made her guilty. "I knew we should take Hanji's car, We could've taken the taxi like you said. I'm sorry, brat." He said with any expression on his face.

"Aweee. Levi, it's not your fault. It was an accident for that matter." She said. Levi slowly let Y/n's hand go and looked down, silently blaming himself even more. He heard the machinery of her bed lifted her upper body so she could sit up. "Give me a hug, you little skater." She giggled as she lifted her slightly injured arm, wanting a hug from her best friend.

Levi looked at her. She smiled again and wiggled her eyebrows, or tried to wiggle both of her eyebrows since the right side of her face is swollen. Levi can't do anything but hug her to make her feel happy. As she receive the hug, she quickly kissed Levi cheek and continued to hug him.

"I promise I'll make it up to you in the future." Levi mumbled to Y/n as they let go of each other.

She smiled as she heard what Levi said. The Levi she knew is coming back.

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