Chapter 28

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Levi woke up to something furry snuggling onto him. He took a peek under the covers and saw a small  black ball of fur next to him. He poked it and the fur looked at him with wide blue grey eyes. He looked at Y/n, who was still asleep next to him.

He got out of the bed and walked in to a door that he thought was the bathroom but it's just a walk in closet. The cat followed him and meowed, trying to catch his attention. The cat walked outside the closet and walked closer to wall and sat next to it. "What do you want me to do? I'm trying to find the bathroom."

The cat meowed again and pushed the wall with his paw. A part of the wall opened. Levi pushed the wall harder and it opened fully, it the bathroom. He walked in muttering to himself. "Why is the bathroom hidden?" he asked himself. He unbuttoned and opened his pants' zipper and before peeing in the toilet. After doing his business, Levi flushed, washed and sanitized the toilet and his hands, before going back to bed next to Y/n.

He checked his phone and it's currently 3:48am and it was still early to be awake. The nap they did yesterday didn't went as they expected, they ended up falling in a deep sleep and they didn't changed their clothes.

Levi decided to sleep again, without changing since he slept through the night without changing. The black cat jumped on to the bed and snuggled to Levi's arm. He pushed the cat away but it came back. After trying multiple times, he gave up.

Y/n woke up by 7 am and did her morning routine. She took a shower, brushed her teeth and unpacked her belongings. She did all that without waking up Levi. She did noticed something, a black tail underneath the blankets where Levi was sleeping. She smiled and found her cat under the cover, snuggled on Levi's arm. As she laid the blankets down the cat woke up and jumped onto her. The cat licked her face as she laughed and hugged her cat. "Levi stop licking me!" She giggled.

"I'm not licking you..." Levi mumbled while turning his back to Y/n.

"I'm not talking to you." Y/n said.

"Then who are you talking to?" Levi turned his body again, looking at Y/n with tired eyes.

"My cat. His name is Levi." She smiled at the man laying on her bed. " He could be junior though. I named him after you when I thought I'm not going to see you anymore. He looks just like you, look." She said as she kneeled to the ground next to Levi's side of the bed, showing off Levi

"Look at his eyes, it's just like your's. His fur is like your hair, blackest of the black. and look at his chest, there's white spot, it reminds me of your picture when you first wore a cravat on my birthday."

Levi pets the cat lazily and patted Y/n's head before sitting up and stretching his body, causing his shirt to go up a bit and show a part of his stomach and abs.

Y/n stood up, "Do you want to call him junior?" She smiled.

"If you want to."

"Ok." Y/n looked at her cat and said, " I'm calling you Levi Jr. from now on. Love you so much." Before kissing her cat multiple times in the face. She looked at Levi and said, "You can take a shower now, that opening right there is the bathroom door. I'll get our breakfast ready."

She walked out the door with Jr. on her arms and went down the stairs. After Levi took a bath, he walked down the stairs and met Y/n and her father in the kitchen. "Good morning, sir." Levi greeted.

"Ah... Good morning, Levi. No need to call me sir. F/n is fine with me." F/n smiled and pointed the seat in front of me.

They talked about Y/n's trip to Japan to visit Levi and celebrate his birthday. Y/n and Levi didn't talk about the details before Levi's birthday, which was the time he drowned himself in alcohol, inclufing the bathroom scene. They also planned the upcoming celebration on a day, making sure that Levi would like it.

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