Chapter 7

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Petra: Hi Y/n. Are you good? Did you get a nice sleep?

Y/n: Yes, thank you for asking. Tell Levi that I'm sorry.

Petra: He should be the one who's saying sorry. That guy is an idiot you know. He looks constipated every time he meet new people.

Y/n: I know, although I'm not new.

Petra: I hope you guy get along like we do :D

Y/n: Yeah. I like you, Petra. You're really friendly to everyone :)

Petra: Thank you for the compliment. Levi's definitely missing out the fun.

Y/n: I guess so. Gotta go, catch up later.

Petra:  Ok bye, Y/n.

Y/n walked to her car with her bag of extra clothes and skates. She drove to the private skating rink, where they made a reservation for today. She parked her car and went inside the stadium.

She changed into her black dry fit shirt and and skates. She did her warm ups and some stretching before doing some of her routines sloppily.

Bertholdt came next. He changed to his training clothes and did the things that Y/n did. They began to practice their jumps as partners. "Can you throw me higher?"



Bertholdt and Y/n skated again. "Are you sure?"

"Positive." Y/n smiled.

Bertholdt lifted Y/n off the ice and in one swift motion, he threw her higher. Y/n on the other hand, spins as many times as she can before landing on the ice, almost losing her balance but quickly regain it. "That's cool." Y/n smiled at Bertholdt before the double door opened.

"Hello everyone!" Reiner grinned.

"You're late!" Y/n said.

"You both are early!!" Reiner laughed and changed to his training clothes.

The three began to help each other improve their jumps and enjoy their time together. "Ah!!" Y/n yelped as Reiner lifted her up and put her on his shoulder. All because of her height, he got bullied by her best friend easily.

"REINER PUT ME DOWN!! THE SONG'S ABOUT TO START!!" Reiner started spinning in circles, causing Y/n to feel dizzy since she's practically hanging upside down.

"Reiner!! Put her down!! She's gonna throw up!" Bertholdt tried to stop Reiner from spinning further. When Reiner finally stopped, he put Y/n down. Y/n sat on the ice and held on to her stomach. She laid down on the ground as she breathe heavily.

"I hate you so much..." She mumbled and stood up, knees wobbly.

"Awww I love you so much too." Reiner picked her up and hugged her very tight.

"Levi!! Do it properly!" Erwin yelled.

"I'm trying!!"

"Do it properly if you want to go home!!" Erwin yelled as he looked down at his wrist watch, seeing that it was already nine o'clock. Neither of them know why the stadium still open at that time. The skating rink usually closes by 7:30 pm.

"Can't you see that I'm tired!? We can continue this tomorrow! We've been here since morning! I haven't even seen the outside today!" Levi yelled at Erwin with anger.

"Just do one proper combo and you're done!"

'breathe in, Levi. Relax, you can do it.' Levi said to himself. He skated backwards and did an almost perfect Quad Salchow and tried to do a triple toe loop but he lost his balance when he landed after the Salchow. He fell on his side and slammed on the ground. 'F*ck you, Levi'

"Uhhh, sh*t... See you tomorrow." Erwin face palmed and packed all his belongings before waking up Oluo and Petra to go home. Erwin walked out for the skating rink and to his car to drive home.

Levi stood up holding his side and skated lazily to the exit. "What's wrong?" Petra asked.

"It's damn eyebrows again. He's too f*ckin' strict again." Levi asked putting away his skates and slipping on his rubber shoes.

"Maybe he's in a bad mood..." Petra said.

"Since when? since I met him?"

"No. Just let him pass."

"I've been ignoring all of his yells and insults for the past year." Levi grumbled. They went outside and hailed a taxi to separately go home to their cozy apartments.

Levi walked into the silence of his apartment. He entered his room and sat on his bed. He looked over to his night stand to see the picture of his mother. Breathing out, he said, "Mom, I'm doing this for you. For dad too. Erwin got angry at me since I can't do a combo of Salchow and Toeloop. I always fell, I don't think I'll win this time. I hope you're still proud of me..." He laid down on his bed, just resting before he go to shower.

Once he took a shower, he combed his hair and let it air dry. He scrolled on his phone as he drink his tea. He came across an article.

Are Phoenix and the Prince of Ice dating?

Phoenix or Y/n, 23, and Prince of Ice or Levi Ackermann, 24, can be seen together near an arcade in Japan. They seemed to be talking to each other, so fans began to think that they are dating. According to a fan, the pair can be seen outside a restaurant, talking to each other and hanging out with their group of friends.

Are you ready for a new power couple?

"What the f*ck?" he said to himself. "What the f*ck happened?!"

He began to scroll even more, only to see more pictures of Y/n and him. He decided to screenshot some of them and send them to Petra and Oluo to seek some advice to not spread the rumors even more.

He cooked his dinner grumpily and do some hygiene routine, before laying down on his bed. He looked beside him and stared at the pictures of two kids holding hands and smiling at the camera.

"I'm sorry."

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