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Y/N is a 17 year old girl living alone with her soon to be 2 year old brother. Why is she living alone? Well, she was originally born in Philadelphia and lived there since she was 15. Her parents had another child (unexpectedly) and named him Jaylen. They wanted her and her brother to explore some of their other roots besides American.

So, they sent her off to Korea. South Korea. Why South Korea? Well, Y/N and her brother are half black, a quarter Korean, and a quarter Japanese. Her mother is half black half Korean and her father is half black half Japanese. Y/N spoke all three languages and was familiar with all three cultures. Her parents moved them out to America because of how accepting it was. Both of them experienced terrible bullying, racism, and so much more in their countries. In America, they didn't face it as much. There was a place for them to call home and have others with them.

Once they had Y/N, they made sure she always knew her roots. They taught her Japanese and Korean at such a young age. They also taught her how to fight. Knowing she'd probably have more than a few battles in her life based on her appearance, she had to know how to fight. She's been kick boxing since she were 3. Every competition she was in, she won.

Her parents wanted her to go to high school in Korea then College in Japan. Every summer she and her brother would come back to the states to visit. Money was never a problem. Both sides of her family were loaded and her parents were too. The only problem, neither of them were very accepting. Her grand parents are the first ones to date, marry, and have a family with someone who wasn't of the same ethnicity. Her father's grand parents eventually gave in and no longer were disrespectful towards their son's wife to be. They weren't accepting but they weren't rude either. They'd watch Y/N's father Jaylen when needed too. But they were never happy about it.

Her mother's grand parents on the other hand were not the same. They never accepted Y/N's grand father as part of the family. They didn't even accept her mother as part of the family. They hated letting people see that they were even related to her mother Asui. They never claimed her.

Because of this, Asui and Jaylen's families are very close. Both know what it's like to be ostracized from their parents. They all live in America where it's safe.

The plan was simple, Y/N and her brother live with a cousin for four years in Korea then she goes off to college in Japan while her brother stayed with their cousin.

Her cousin cancelled last minute and the tickets for them were already booked and ready to go. As a last resort, her grandmother made a bold choice. She called her father (her mother had died). She said she left the black man she was with and took the grand kids with her to remove them from the environment. Her father was so happy to hear this. It was his chance to "save" them. She said she needed somewhere to send the kids for a while so they'd be away from their other family but they'd come back during the summer. Her father agreed. It worked. The lie worked.

Y/N left her friends, family, and whole childhood in philly. She didn't want to leave but she also wanted a chance to really connect with her roots. She and her brother left.

Her great grandfather had a plan. He was too sickly and old to be out as much as he'd need to be to take care of them. So, he bought them a house. Well not really a house, a mansion. He bought it for them to live. They lived by themselves but he had someone there to watch them. He'd stay out of the way most of the time. Her great grandfather paid for everything. Bills, food, school, everything. He was just happy to get them away from their other family.

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