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Time finally winds down and her detention is over. JJ's out in the car waiting for her. As soon as she gets in the car he yells at her. "Where the hell were you? I've been here forever!" "Sorry JJ, i got detention." "For what?" "Nothing, don't worry about it. Can we just get Jaylen and go?" He slams on the gas mad as hell. He gets somewhere thats 20 mins away in 5. "Jeez Louise you don't have to drive like your auditioning for NASCAR!" "What?" "Never mind."

She picks up her brother from daycare and he's as happy as ever to see her. JJ drives them home and tells them he'll be back later to make sure all the doors are locked. As y/n and her brother walk to the door they notice her friends from school waiting at her doorstep.

"You guys waiting for a package or something?" "No. We were waiting for you." Jimin says. "We just wanted to make sure you got home alright." "By waiting at my house?" She couldn't help but chuckle. She thought it was cute how they waited for her. "Oh guys I want you to meet somebody." She says excitedly. She holds Jaylen towards them as he was mostly awake from his nap. They awwwed in unison. "What's his name?" Tae asked. "Jaylen." "You both have very western names." Hoseok said. "Well we were born in America. Anyway, why don't we all go inside." "Inside? Will your parents be okay with that?" "My parents don't live with me." "They don't?" Jin asks. "Nope. Just me and my brother. And occasionally JJ." "Who's JJ?" "He's our somewhat chaperone." "Where are your parents?" Jungkook asks. "I'll explain inside." She walks in with them behind her.

"You can sit anywhere you like. I just have to change really quickly." Y/n says. She takes her brother upstairs and changes out of her gym clothes.

Within seconds she's back. "So, could you explain to us your situation with your brother?" Jin asks. "Of course." She tells them about her family and how old fashioned they are. While she talks, Jaylen kept moving around and being restless. "Jeez Jay, you want me to put you down?" He squirms more until she places him down. He stares at all the boys with a blank look. He crawls around for a little until he sees Taehyung. His eyes widen  and he begins to crawl towards him. He puts his hands up signaling Taehyung he wants to be picked up. Taehyung gives y/n a look basically asking if it's ok and she nods.

She finishes telling them about how her grandmother had to lie to her great grandfather for them to stay there. "Do you miss Philadelphia?" "Of course I miss Philly. I've never been away from my friends and family for this long." she says putting her head down. "BUT," she says perking up. "I know I'll make some amazing friends here. After all, I've already got seven of em." She says smiling at the boys. They all smile to her. That smile. That one smile was the start of their amazing friendship they all formed.

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