A Small Encounter

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(Two years ago)

The mansion he bought was right next door to 7 boys. They were close to her age. Three were her age and four were a year older. They all lived alone. Y/N would soon learn more about them in school. She moved in a week after school started so she wasn't too late. She already had everything she needed. She held her brother while the movers were putting the boxes in the house. He had cried just as soon as they got off the plane. His ears popped. She tried so hard to calm him down. She started singing to him which always calmed him down. He fell asleep.

She kept singing to make him feel better. While she was singing, one of the seven boys heard her. He thought her singing was beautiful. He got the rest of his friends and took them all outside to hear. They all thought her voice was amazing. She continued to sing unaware of her audience. She was singing in English and none but one understood it. She saw them and got flustered but she didn't let them know that. She waved and told them she was gonna be their new neighbor. They waved and watched her as she walked in the house. They were all stunned.

Before she could start school, she had to take tests to see what classes she would qualify for. Y/n was a very smart girl. Just about all her classes were advanced. She had space on her schedule to pick two more classes just to fill it up. She chose health and gym.

"You ready to go to school and make some friends?" Y/N said to her brother. She always switched from English to Korean to Japanese when talking to him. It's what her parents did to help her learn the three languages. "Stick to one language!" The guard assigned to her said. He was so big and mean. She called him JJ. He took her brother to school first since they had to sign in under people who'd pick him up. He then took her to school but was staring at her just about the whole way. She didn't pay him any mind. She was just thinking about school.

She wasn't going to change herself. She was ready for the looks and everything else that came with being different. Although this school was a private school, uniforms were a no. Most people say it's because parents want their kids to be able to show off the expensive clothes they've bought them. She didn't care. She had brand name clothes but didn't care to show them off. She knew most people wouldn't know what she was wearing anyway but it didn't matter. She got out of the expensive car and went into school. As soon as she walked in she got nothing but stares. Whispers. All she ever got. She's learned to toon them out though. Play some western music and be one of the only ones singing along. She walks into her first period class, wondering what the rest of the year has in store.

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