Let's Have Some Fun

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A month goes by without her talking to the boys. It's torture not doing it. She wants to talk to them but can't. Meanwhile, Y/N and Anzai become even closer. Every Sunday he takes her and her brother to the store to get groceries. He helps her take them in and even stays for dinner sometimes. One day he takes her to the store and a woman sees Jaylen. "Awe, you guys have such a cute baby." They gasp. "Oh no he's not-" "how old are you both?" the woman asks cutting her off. "Im 17" hé says. "I'll be 17 soon." She says. "Awwwe so young and yet so strong." She leaves and they both laugh.

They get in line to pay for the food. "Awww. It must be hard having both a child and having to balance school. You know what, I'll give you guys a discount." the store clerk says. "Uhhh thanks." Y/n says. "Yes thanks. Our son will love it." Anzai says. They get in the car. "Why'd you do that?" Y/N says laughing. "She gave us a discount. I had to play along. If we keep doing that they'll believe it. Come on, It's funny." Y/N couldn't help but laugh. The one time her brother looking like her son came in handy. Anzai takes them home and leaves. He's so funny.


Anzai stayed home today since his sister had a cold and he had to take care of her. He and Y/N texted all day. During class, Y/N hears girls talking about a party this Friday. "It'll be great. We can do whatever we want cuz barely anyone from school'll be there." Y/N loves parties. She partied a lot when she were in Philly. She texts Anzai about it to see if he wants to go.

Y/N-Wanna go?

Zaichan❤️-Like, together?

Y/N-Sure why not

Zaichan❤️-Okay cool. i'll pick you up at 8:30

Y/N-ard (this is philly slang for "alright")

Friday, before the party

"So this is his favorite toy. If he's acting up just give him this, he quiets down right away. He likes cartoons, mostly ones that make you talk to the screen, he's learning to talk, and he loves applesauce. He's real easy to put to bed. Just rock him. He goes right to sleep." Y/N tells the baby sitter. She was a 14 year old mixed girl that lived two doors down. She was a good kid.

"You have my number?" "Yep." "Alright. Thanks kid." Anzai picks her up and takes her to the party. "You ready?" "Ready as I'll ever be." He says. "Have you ever been to a party?" Y/N asks. "Maybe?" "Have you ever smoked or drank alcohol before?" "Yea of course." Anzai says with a worried expression. "I guess not." she says laughing. "Look I'll drive home. I've done it many times where i was high." (author's note: do not do that shit irl) Anzai seemed a little nervous. She takes his hand. "Hey, it'll be ok. I'll be with you the whole time. You trust me?" "Yea." "Then let's go." She takes his hand and leads him inside.

The Party

They walk in and they're met with stares. All stares. Y/N immediately looks for the people with weed on them so they can smoke. That's all she really wanted to do. She's barely done it since she's been in Korea and she's been very stressed lately. "You know how to smoke?" She says. "Not really." "It's easy."

She teaches him how to do it. "Don't do too much though, your tolerance is low." He does it and coughs up a storm. Y/N laughs. "How cute. Yea let it out." He coughs some then does it again. He learned quickly. They both get high as shit and the night gets old. She takes them to her house since Anzai was already planning on sleeping over. She pays the girl and makes sure she gets home safely.

Her and Anzai stumble to the house making a lot of noise. All the boys come outside to notice what was going on. They see what was going on and head back inside.

After the party

Y/N and Anzai stumble in and fall on the floor. On top of each other. "Oh shit. My bad." Y/N says Laughing. She tries to get up but her body won't let her. "Shit, i can't get up." She says laughing again. "Im already up." He says laughing. They both try to get her up but she can't. "Zaichan i can't get up. Help!" "I'm not even sure i want you to get up." He says. "What do you mean?" She asks. "I like it like this." They look at each other. She feels him poking her. They lean in closer and closer to one another. They kiss. Passionately. Her tongue fighting with his. It was nice.

They stopped after a little more of kissing and look at each other and laugh. "What are we doing?" Anzai says laughing. "I have no clue." Y/N says laughing. "Should we keep going?" "We can" they kiss a little more this time hands touching eachother but that's as far as it got. They never did anything else. "This is fun. But i know your heart belongs to someone else." He says.

"I can say the same about you Zaichan." "Nani?" He blushes. "I see the way you look at So Jun. You like her. I say you go for it. She may like you back. And I'm not just saying that." "Maybe i will." He says hopefully. "Before though," he interjects. "can we kiss some more?" "You read my mind." she says. They kiss and cuddle the entire night. They knew it meant nothing to either of them. They just needed a companion. He leaves in the morning.

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