Payback's A Bitch

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Her mind was racing. Mixed with the alcohol was worse. She wanted to do so much. Hit Yuki. Hit Jungkook. Hit everyone if she could. But she couldn't. She didn't want to start a scene. And what would she be made about? They weren't together. At all. She'd liked him ever since they played that game of dodgeball but she never told him that. She'd always get jealous if he talked or flirted with another girl. He was the same way. Though y/n wasn't the type to flirt with everyone, if she thought he was cute she'd flirt here and there. Jungkook would get so upset any time he saw it. But they were never together.

As furious as she was, she didn't want to be mad on her birthday. So she drank. And drank. And drank. She got so drunk. She was with the mystery man all night. He was a little drunk too. They danced the night and everything else away. Yuki said things to get her attention but Y/N didn't bat her an eye. She was too busy dancing on the mystery man. Jungkook was furious and she didn't care.

The night went on as if it would never end. Y/N and mystery man were now kissing very heavily. He swooped her up and took her upstairs. She wanted him and he wanted her. They both felt it. The sexual tension. It was about to happen. "Do you have a condom?" she asked seductively. "Yea." he says back in a deep toned voice. "Perfect."

They kiss and began taking off each other's clothes. His body was amazing. She had forgotten what it was like to be with another black man. "You ready?" He said. "Fuck yea." She says. They weren't too loud but everyone knew what was going on. "Get it Y/N!" Jonnie yelled. Anzai was busy chaperoning So Jun when he noticed Jungkook's face. Along with the rest of the boys' faces. Furious wasn't the word. Anzai chuckles. "Someone seems hurt."

They tire themselves out and lay in bed next to each other. "That was nice." She says curling up next to him. "I can tell you're american." He says pulling her close. "I can say the same about you. Where you from?" She asks. "Philly." "Oh shit. Me too. What part?" "West." "WEEEST?" She says jokingly. "Damn, I'm from the northeast." He sucks his teeth "And you talking bout me?" he says laughing. "What's wrong wit northeast?" "What's wrong wit west?" They laugh together.

"How long you staying in Korea?" She asks. "This my last year here. My parents wanted me to study abroad for a lil bit. So, i taught myself Korean and came here." "YOU TAUGHT YOURSELF?" she says in shock. "Yea. It wasn't that hard." He laughs. "I can speak three languages and let me just say Korean was the hardest to learn." "It was hard but I pushed through." "I hope you've liked it here." She says. "This my favorite moment of being here." He says kissing her forehead. "I mean, we still got time for a little more if you want." She says. "You read my mind." They knew they'd never see each other again. They didn't really want nor need to. That's why they did it so good.

They put their clothes on and walk down the steps. "I wish you a good life Y/N." "Same here Midas." The name of a king. And a king he was. That is, in the bed.

The night finally ends and everyone goes home. So Jun, Anzai, and Joonie stayed the night over y/n's house. They all went to sleep to awake the next morning.

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