First Day Of School Pt.2

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"So, how long are you staying in Korea?" Tae asked. "Four years. Just after high school I'm leaving for Japan." "Oh?" "Yea, my parents want me to get a taste of all my roots. Not just my american ones." "Ohhh." "Yea.." While walking she couldn't help but notice that Tae was still holding her hand. She didn't know what to say. Why's he still holding my hand? It's fine. Imma let it rock. Once they got to class he led her to sit next to him. She was still surprised he held her hand for so long. They were in an advanced geography class. They talked the whole class. The teacher gave them stares here and there to quiet them down. He went on and on but her and Tae kept snickering the entire time. They almost got in trouble but were very sneaky about it. Soon the class ended and she had math class.

Coincidentally she had math with Jimin and Hoseok. They motioned her to sit with them. "Hi guys." She said. "Hey Y/N. If you want you can sit with us." Hoseok said. "I'd love to. Hoseok annnd Jimin right?" "Yea that's us." Jimin says. "Can I call you Minnie?" "Minnie?" "Yea, Like the mouse." "Sure." He says blushing. Hoseok starts making fun of him. "Minnie is very minny!" He says laughing. Jimin is the shortest one of the group. "Yea, now only Y/N can call me Minnie. ONLY Y/N." She blushes. The year started with some big group project. The minimum in a group was three. Since she came late, she didn't have a group and had to pick one to join. Jimin immediately asked her to be with him and Hoseok. "Of course." She said with a big smile. They worked on the project and Y/N got along well with them too. Wow these boys are so nice. Class ended and she went to health.

"Y/N!" As soon as she walked in the class, Jin yelled her name. His face lit up like the stars in the sky. Wow. He's so happy to see me. This feels nice. She missed the ice breakers they did last week and had to do one herself. When she tried to speak, a girl, one of Jin's fans, kept interrupting her. She then gave the girl the nastiest stare for about five seconds. The girl had a frightened look in her eyes and stopped. Jin was impressed. Class ended and he walked her to her last period. Gym. It wasn't really structured. Every now and then they'd play games as a class but for the most part it was just a free for all and do whatever you want class.

She went to the locker room first to change. She had some nike brand biker shorts with a Nike crop tee. She knew her body was exposed. She wasn't the most confident but also didn't care. Ashe knew others would stare. The other girls wore worse stuff anyway. The only difference, she had more to show. As soon as she walked out all the guys were staring at her. All of them, including one familiar face, Jungkook. Great, the rude one's here. While stretching she also noticed another familiar face, the girl she punched earlier. She sat in the stands to watch Jungkook play.

Today was a day to play together. The game, dodgeball. The teacher picked teams. Jungkook and Y/N were on different teams. As soon as the game started everyone charged for a ball. Everyone except Y/N. People from both teams were taken out fast. Y/N was the only one left on her team. She was against three people on the other team. Jungkook being one of them. Y/N was having fun. She loved sports. The rush and intensity along with it. The game was coming to an end and One of them threw the ball as hard as he could to Y/N. She dodged it gracefully. Another threw one and she caught it. "You're out!" Two left. Jungkook threw the ball as hard as he could at Y/N. She flipped and let it bounce off the wall. She then caught it mid air and threw it at Jungkook. He dodged it and it hit his teammate. Just him and me now. People from other classes began to chime in. All the members of BTS came in to see what was going on. "Wow they're really going at it huh." Tae said. They all looked amazed at her talent. Seeing her flip around and around like an acrobat without even breaking a sweat.

They both threw balls at eachother. "GOOOOOO JUNGKOOK! JEON JUNGKOOK! JEON JUNGKOOK!" The girl began a chant. Y/N couldn't care less. She was too focused on winning. They went on until the bell rung and in the end, it was a tie. Y/N, dripping in sweat walked out of the gym and to the locker room to dry off. She didn't care she was sweaty. Before she could leave she was stopped by Jungkook. "Hey," he said. "Good game." He said. He stretched his hand out to shake hers. She appreciated his sportsmanship. He wiped his sweat with his shirt and she caught a glimpse of his body. Very toned. Damn. She kept her cool. As she walked out she could still feel all eyes on her.

She walked out of the locker room only to be surprised by her new friends. Still having her gym clothes on, she spoke. "Hey guys, what're you doing here?" "We just wanted to say good job." Jin said. "Yea, most of the time the only one who can get closest to beating Jungkook in anything is Jimin." "Close and yet so far." Jungkook says peering around the corner. "No but really, that was a good game. Where'd you learn to move like that?" "Gymnastics. It was the quickest way for me to gain flexibility before kick boxing." "Wait, you box?" Suga says perking up. "Kick boxing. It's different. Boxing and kicking together." "Wow. I box too.""Nice. Now if you'll excuse me boys I have a detention to go to." She walks away but is stopped by RM. "Wait." He says shakingly. "Can I have y- your number t-to stay in-" "Sure" she says before he can finish. "If you want you can make a group chat with just the eight of us." Y/N gives him her number and looks at the time. "Oh shit gotta run! See ya!" She says to them then leaves.

Y/N sits in the detention room for an hour only to remember her little brother. "Oh shit!" She screams in English. "Excuse me," the teacher says. "I'd prefer you didn't curse thanks." "You understand me?" She says. "Yes I do. After all I am the English teacher." It wasn't until now she looks at the teacher to notice that he's a white man. "Are you American?" "Yes. I can assume you are too?" "Yea." "Well, that's nice and all but please, don't curse. We wouldn't want to give the students any new vocab words that wouldn't be on the test." "Sorry"

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