That Was Weird

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Two years later (the present)

"I guarantee you won't get it." RM says. They were playing sit down charades at lunch. It was the older kids versus the younger ones. Y/N was a younger one. She was younger than all of them. Even the maknae. "Just try it!" Hoseok says. The older boys begin trying to get Hoseok to figure it out but he couldn't do it. "What was it?" "The sun! That's why we were pointing at your face!" Jin said angrily. "Our turn." Y/N said. "Y'all ready?" "Yep!" They say in unison. Before Y/N could start her turn "Y/N Szuzuki come to the principle's office." What did I do now? "What did you do now?" Suga says. "I didn't do squat." She says playfully. The boys looked confused. "Sorry forgot, American reference. I'll teach you guys it when I come back." She grabs her stuff from Jungkook who was holding it for her and walks away. "Come back soon!" Jungkook says. She chuckles "I will!"

She gets to the principle to be visited by a very pale girl named Yuki. "Hello Y/N. Yuki is an exchange student from Japan." "Oh, is that why you called me?" "Yes. I'm well aware you speak Japanese." "My Korean is pretty good too though." Yuki says. "Great. We're having lunch now. You can sit with me and my friends." She takes her out of the principle's office and into the cafe with the boys.

"Hey guys. This is Yuki she's-" "OMG YOU GUYS HAVE THAT BRAND BTS! OMG I LOVE YOU GUYS! IM YUKI!" She screams. The boys look uncomfortable at her explosion and she calms down. "I'm from Japan. Osaka to be exact. I liked it there but my parents thought I needed a change in scenery." Okay just interrupt my ass huh. "Yuki why don't you have a seat." Jin says. "Okay" she sits down in the seat Y/N was sitting in. Next to Jungkook.

"We're playing sit down charades. Like charades but no one gets up. Would you like to play." Suga asks. "I'd love to. But then it'd be an uneven number. Wouldn't the team im on have an unfair advantage?" "Your right," RM said. "Pick a team to go on then that team will pick who sits out. "Okay I'll be on your team then." She says while hugging on Jungkook. She all on his top like damn bitch you JUST met him. Relax . "Ok that's fine." Jungkook says awkwardly. "So who's gonna sit out?" Tae says. "Well," Yuki says, "Since I just got here and I'm getting to know all of you and Y/N's already played and already knows you guys, I think she should sit out." Ouch. "Is that okay with you?" Jimin asks. "It's fine. She's right anyway. I'll just keep score."

Lunch ends and she and Tae walk to class holding hands like they usually do. She'd grown to like it. While walking Yuki suddenly interjected their hands. "Tae, could you hold my hand? This crowd is big and scary." She said with a pouty face. "Uhhh sure." She takes his hand and they begin walking. Ard now THAT was weird. Why'd she get in the middle of us like that? They walk to class and Yuki was right. The crowd was big. It was always big during the change in lunches.

Flashback To 1 year ago

"Hey Tae, can I ask you something?" "Sure." "Not that I mind but, why do you always hold my hand on our way to class?" "Well that's because i don't want you getting lost. It's something my mom used to do whenever we were in crowded places. She'd tell me I'm too important to lose, just like you. Well that or pick me up. And i can't very well pick you up in school now can i?" "Yea you've got a point." She smiled. After that she held his hand every day on her way to class. That is until Yuki came.

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